Feb 19, 2025  
2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog

Tuition, Fees, Payments, and Refund Policies

  • Tuition
  • Residence Hall Room Rates
  • Meal Plans and Rates
  • BookCHARGE Purchases
  • Deposits
    • Confirmation Deposits
    • Housing Deposits, Fees and Refunds
      • Housing Cancellation Fees and Refunds
  • Fees
    • Applied Music Fees
    • Comprehensive Fee
    • Course Fees
    • Internship Fees
    • Monthly Payment Plan (myPAYPLAN) Fees
    • Nursing Program Fees
    • Other Fees
    • Parking Fees and Fines
    • Professional Liability Insurance
    • Student Account Late Fees and Other Payment Penalties
  • Payment of Student Accounts
    • Payment Due Dates for Full-time and Part-time Students
    • How Payments Are Applied to Student Accounts
  • Payment Options
    • Summer 2024, Winter 2025 and Summer 2025
    • Fall 2024/Spring 2025
      • Fall Plans Available
      • Spring Plans Available
      • Payment Plan Arrangements Run by Semester
    • VA Education and Training Benefit Payments
  • Refund Policies
    • Carroll University Refund Policy
    • Federal Refund Policy
    • Tuition, Housing and Meal Plan Refund Schedules
    • Refund Policy for Students Called to Active Military Duty


The costs listed below are effective Summer I 2024 session and continue through the Spring 2025 semester. Full-time status is determined at the end of the first week of classes on the date indicated in the calendar as the last day to add classes.

For official cost of attendance budget information, click here.

Associate Degree in Nursing

Tuition per credit $390.00

Full-time Bachelor’s Degrees (12-19 credits)

The charges listed begin with the Summer I 2024 session and continue through the Spring 2025 semester. Full-time status is determined at the end of the first week of classes on the date indicated in the calendar as the last day to add classes.

Tuition per year  - Baccalaureate Degrees $38,040.00

Per Credit Cost for Greater than 19 Credits

Tuition per credit for additional credits - Non-Nursing $620.00
Tuition per credit for additional credits - Nursing-BSN $780.00
Undergraduate Tuition for additional credits - Acadeum $620.00

Part-time (less than 12 credits) and Alternative Credit Costs*

Undergraduate course per credit - Non-Nursing $620.00
Undergraduate course per credit - Nursing-BSN $780.00
Undergraduate course per credit - Acadeum** $620.00
Auditing per credit - Non-Nursing $150.00
Auditing per credit - Nursing-ADN $150.00
Auditing per credit - Nursing-BSN $170.00
Prior Learning Assessment (per credit) $260.00
Work Experience (per credit) $260.00

*These charges do not apply to full-time students who drop a course after the first week of a semester.

**Acadeum Consortium Refund Schedule

Courses in the Carroll Acadeum Consortium have a separate refund schedule. Each course will follow its own refund schedule. Students contemplating dropping or substituting an Acadeum Consortium course must contact the registrar at 262.524.7208 or e-mail reg@carrollu.edu for policy and cost information.

For official cost of attendance budget information, click here.

Residence Hall Room Rates

Click here for room rate per semester cost.

Meal Plans and Rates

Click here for meal plans and rates.

BookCHARGE Purchases

Charge Textbooks and Supplies to your Student Account

BookCHARGE is a completely optional payment method that allows students to charge up to $750 to their student account for books each semester (instead of using a credit/debit card). This allows students who may not have a credit card and/or the funds to purchase all their books up-front the ability to have access to their course materials by the first day of classes (if ordered before each semester’s guaranteed delivery date).

  1. Students must be currently enrolled
  2. Students must have signed a BookCHARGE Agreement
  3. Students must have a current Pioneer Card
  4. Students must not have any holds on their student account

Please check your Carroll email for the frequent communications announcing BookCHARGE opening and closing dates, as well as the detailed instructions on how to access your BookCHARGE funds. 
BookCHARGE is not an award of financial aid.
Any fees incurred for not returning rental textbooks will be charged to the credit card on file with the Carroll University Virtual Bookstore when placing your order and not your student account.

Please visit this link for more information regarding BookCHARGE and to complete the BookCHARGE Agreement form.


Confirmation Deposits

Confirmation Deposit - Direct Admit-PT, OT, DMS & RadTech


Confirmation Deposit (credited to student’s account) $200.00

This sum is due and payable within 30 days after the date the applicant is notified of admission to the university or after financial aid is determined for those who are aid applicants. This deposit is collected only from new full-time students or from part-time students moving to full time status. It is generally not refundable.

Housing Deposits, Fees and Refunds

  • A $250 non-refundable housing deposit is required when submitting this agreement. The $250 deposit will be applied to the student’s first semester bill. Only when this deposit is paid, is the application considered complete and eligible for room assignment. 
  • A $100 room change fee will be assessed if a student changes their room assignment without prior authorization from the Office of Residence Life and Housing after the academic year begins.
  • Students may be charged for lock changes, lost keys, and repeated lock-out requests. 
  • Charges for damages done in the corridors, stairs, restrooms, bedrooms and other areas not specifically assigned to any one individual student can be levied equally against all students on the floor, complex or bedroom/suite unless the responsibility can be assessed against particular individuals.
  • Early arrivals or late departures must be requested in writing and are subject to approval by the Office of Residence Life and Housing and applicable fees may be charged.
  • If a student is in default on any payments set forth herein, the student is liable for legal costs, charges and attorney’s fees which accrue in obtaining payment.
  • Students agree to pay all applicable resident housing and dining fees as posted per the academic term. Refer to the Carroll University Catalog for information regarding fees, payments and refund polices and deadlines.
Housing Cancellation Fees and Refunds
  • The $250 non-refundable application deposit is forfeited if cancelled, at any date. A cancellation fee will be implemented for cancellations occurring based upon the below schedule.
  • Approved cancellations as listed in section VII will be subject to the refund schedule as published in the Carroll University Academic Catalog with prorated fees based on the vacate date from the residence hall.
Academic Year Deposit Post Date (Students enrolled for both fall and spring semesters  
On or before June 1 loss of $250.00 housing deposit 
June 2 - Check-in Date loss of $250.00 housing deposit and $250 cancellation fee
Post Check-in date loss of $250.00 housing deposit and $500 cancellation fee


Spring Only Deposit Post Date (Students enrolled in Spring Semester only)  
On or before January 1 loss of $250.00 housing deposit 
January 2 - Check-in date loss of $250.00 housing deposit and $250 cancellation fee
Post Check-in date loss of $250.00 housing deposit and $500 cancellation fee


Applied Music Fees

Students registering for applied lessons will be charged an applied music fee on their student bill. Students receive 12 lessons per semester.

Lesson Length Lesson Fee
25 minutes $330.00
50 minutes $660.00

Refunds follow the Carroll University Refund Policy.

The following courses are designated as 50-minute lessons and will be charged $660.00: MUS 161MUS 162MUS 163MUS 164MUS 165MUS 167MUS 168 AMUS 169 A/B/C/DMUS 170MUS 171MUS 172MUS 173MUS 174MUS 175MUS 176MUS 177MUS 178MUS 179.

The following courses are designated as 25-minute lessons and will be charged $330.00: MUS 168  B.

For a complete list of tuition and fee refund schedules, please click on this link.

Comprehensive Fee

$850.00 annually

This fee is collected from full-time undergraduate students and is used directly by the university to address needs common to the student body. The comprehensive fee is nonrefundable.

Course Fees

$25.00-$200.00 per qualifying course

These fees are required for classes with expendable material costs, as well as other costs unique to the course, and include, but are not limited to, lab courses.

Internship Fees

The University offers three types of internships. It is the students’ responsibility to register for the appropriate internship course.

1. Internship with approval and placement by the program instructor  $620.00 per credit
$780.00 per credit - Nursing
2. Credit for work experience approved by the program instructor $260.00 per credit
3. Written project completed at work site and approved by the program instructor $250.00 per credit
4. Prior Learning Assessment (per credit) $260.00 per credit

Monthly Payment Plan (myPAYPLAN) Fees

Enrollment Fee (NON-REFUNDABLE) $50.00 due upon enrollment - per semester
Late Fee $40.00 per month if the scheduled monthly installment payment is not received by the due date

Past-due accounts occur when the payment terms on your account have not been met. The University may take steps to collect the past due amounts, including, but not limited to, the following: prohibiting the student from scheduling classes for the following semester: withholding course credits, academic transcripts, and diploma until the balance is paid; turning over the student’s account to a collection agency; and taking legal action. By enrolling in a payment plan, the student authorizes the University to release financial information about their account to those concerned with collecting the balance owed. A collection agency acting on behalf of the University may contact students regarding any outstanding balance using an automated calling system or a pre-recorded message at any telephone number associated with the student’s account, including wireless telephone numbers.

Nursing-Program Fees

Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)
$810 per semester

This fee is assessed to all full-and part-time ADN nursing students with a Nursing major.

Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN)
$610 per semester

This fee is assessed to all full-and part-time BSN nursing students with a Nursing major.

Nursing Program Additional Expenses

Nursing is a practice discipline and students enrolled in the nursing program must plan for additional costs that are directly related to the program. These include uniforms, nursing textbooks, health requirements, CPR certification, liability insurance, and transportation costs associated with clinical experiences.

  • Uniform cost will vary depending on vendor used. Also required for clinical nursing courses: watch with a second hand, white nurse’s shoes (or all white athletic shoes), bandage scissors and stethoscope.
  • Students are required to carry professional liability insurance when enrolled in any clinical course. Cost varies according to plan selected and agency used.
  • Nursing pin. Cost varies.
  • For graduating seniors desiring registration and licensure in Wisconsin:
    • Registration fee for NCLEX exam
    • Application for State Board
    • Work permit for graduates working in Wisconsin
    • State Board registration photograph
    • Class composite photograph (optional)

Other Fees

*Completion Fee - Undergraduate $110.00
*Completion Fee - Graduate $110.00
Exchange Student Fee (per semester) $50.00
FFEE Program Fee (Winter with the Wolf) $400.00
Housing Early Arrival/Late Departure Fee $100.00
Housing Late Application Fee $30.00
International Student Orientation Fee $150.00
Non-refundable registration fee for International and Off-Campus Programs $290.00
Orientation Fee $300.00
Orientation Fee - International Student $150.00
Study Abroad Programs: Affiliated, Unaffiliated, and Exchange Programs $410.00
Summer/Winter Study Abroad Fee $180.00

*The Completion Fee is charged by universities to graduate and undergraduate students to cover graduation and degree completion costs. Students are assessed this fee, whether they participate, or choose not to participate, in the formal commencement ceremony.  The fee is added to the student’s account when a student meets the graduation credit requirement.

Parking Fees and Fines

Parking permit for resident Carroll students $100.00-$425.00
Parking Fines-(Lower Offense) $35.00
Parking Fines-(Upper Offense) $60.00

Resident students may apply for parking permits for residence hall lots. Because parking spaces are limited, they are assigned by the public safety office according to established criteria. Parking fees are nonrefundable.

Professional Liability Insurance

$20.00 annually

This fee is assessed to Health Science and Education Majors who are required to carry professional liability insurance when enrolled in any clinical course.

Student Account Late Fees and Other Payment Penalties

Non-Payment Plan Late Fee* $40.00 monthly
Stop Payment Fee  $40.00
NSF/ACH Failure Fee  $30.00

*Late Fees in the amount of $40.00 will be assessed monthly on any student account with an overdue balance (overdue balance: unpaid balance that is over 30 days old) of $100.00 or greater.

Payment of Student Accounts

Payments can be made online through your Carroll University Self-Service portal by clicking on Student Finance and going to the “Make a Payment” link to access the Payment Center.

For official cost of attendance budget information, please click here.  

The payment of tuition and fees becomes the student’s obligation upon registration at Carroll University. It must be paid before the first day of the semester/session/term.

  • Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover debit and credit cards, and electronic checks (Checking/Savings) are accepted.
  • Convenience fees will be assessed when using a debit or credit card. No convenience fee is assessed on electronic check payments.
  • Full or partial payments can be made any time before the due dates.
  • For security reasons, credit or debit card payments cannot be accepted via telephone.
  • International Students - Pay with foreign currency online through TransferMate.

Payments can also be accepted through the mail and in person at the Carroll University Business Office located at Voorhees Hall - Ground Level 19, 100 N. East Ave., Waukesha, WI 53186.

Acceptable payment methods include cash or check at the Business Office cashier window. Debit and credit card payments on student account balances over $99.00 will not be accepted.

Late $40.00 Fees will be assessed monthly on any overdue balance (overdue balance=unpaid balance over 30 days old and $100.00 or greater.)

Payment Due Dates for Full-time and Part-time Students

Summer Session I 2024 (3 Weeks)

May 12, 2024 (term ends 6/1/24)

Summer Session II 2024 (6 Weeks)

June 2, 2024 (term ends 7/13/24)

Summer Session III 2024 (6 Weeks)

July 14, 2024 (term ends 8/24/24)

Summer Session 2024 Full Term (15 Weeks)

May 19, 2024 (term ends 8/31/24)

Summer Session 2024 (12 Weeks)

May 19, 2024 (term ends 8/10/24)

Summer Session 2024 (9 Weeks)

May 19, 2024 (term ends 7/27/24)

Fall 2024 Full Term (16 Weeks)

September 1, 2024 (term ends 12/21/24)

Winter 2025 Intersession (2 weeks)

January 1, 2025 (term ends 1/18/25)

Spring 2025 Full Term (16 Weeks)

January 19, 2025 (term ends 05/10/24)

How Payments Are Applied to Student Accounts

Credits to student’s accounts are applied in the following manner:

Financial aid, in the form of grants and scholarships, is credited to a student’s account first and will be applied in the following order: tuition, program fees, other eligible tuition fees, room and board, and BookCHARGEs.

Cash payments (other than student loans) are first applied to fines and incidental charges.

All remaining cash and loan proceeds are applied to any remaining charges in the following order:
Tuition, program fees, other eligible tuition fees, meal plans, housing, and BookCHARGEs.

Information regarding payment plan options may be obtained from the University’s Business Office. Students are invited to contact the Business Office at 262 524-7337 if they have any questions concerning payments due to the University.

For official cost of attendance budget information, please click here.  

Payment Options

Summer 2024 and Winter 2025

Before students can enroll in a summer payment plan, previous session balances must be paid. Students can enroll in a summer payment plan online through the payment center. There are no online payment plans available for winter sessions. We do not offer specialized or customized summer payment plans. Please get in touch with the Carroll University Business Office at 262.524.7337 or busoff@carrollu.edu for any questions or payment concerns.

Fall 2024/Spring 2025

Please review the payment options available for undergraduate students.

  1. Payment Option One:  Pay in full on or before the first day of the academic term -  September 1, 2024
  2. Payment Option Two:  Monthly Payment Plan
  • There are three plans available each semester. Choose from a four, five or six-month plan each semester to cover the balance due on your student account after tuition, fees, late fees and other expenses have been offset with your financial aid and any down payment you may have made. Your monthly payment will be based on the total outstanding balance on your student account for the current semester. A $50.00 enrollment fee is associated with this option each semester. The enrollment fee is a non-refundable fee.
  • Students can enroll in a payment plan by visiting my.carrollu.edu, logging into the Carroll University Self-Service portal, and clicking Student Finance to the “Make a Payment” link to access the Payment Center.
  • Consult this link for helpful guides on enrolling in a payment plan.
  • Your Payment Plan will automatically adjust for tuition, fees, other expenses, and financial aid recalculations. Payment Plan arrangements are available by semester.

Note:  Students interested in the Fall 2024 six-month payment plan should contact the Business Office directly at busoff@carrollu.edu or 262.524.7337. Housing, meal plans, and financial aid are not yet finalized, so we will manually look at these six-month requests to ensure the plan is as accurate as it can be at your time of enrollment.

Payment Option Three: Provide a letter of company sponsorship and/or third-party billing to the Carroll University Business Office on or before the first day of the academic term. This letter must confirm payment in full regardless of the student’s performance in the course. Please contact the Carroll University Business Office at 262.524.7337 for information.

Payment Option Four: Provide a letter to the Carroll University Business Office on or before the first day of the academic term from your employer verifying reimbursement. Students will be required to sign a payment plan agreement. Payment for Fall 2024 will be due in full by January 4, 2025. If the fall 2024 payment under this option is not received by January 4, 2025, a late fee in the amount of $40.00 will be assessed monthly on any balance of $100.00 or greater. Payment for Spring 2024 will be due by May 24, 2024. If the spring 2024 payment under this option is not received by June 4, 2024, a late fee of $40.00 will be assessed monthly on any balance of $100.00 or greater. Please contact the Business Office directly at busoff@carrollu.edu or 262.524.7337 for more information.

Fall Plans Available

Full payment due by September 4, 2024.

Fall sign up begins June 20, 2024.

  • 6-month plan: July through December 2024.
    • Note: Students interested in the Fall 2024 six-month payment plan should contact the Business Office directly at busoff@carrollu.edu or 262.524.7337. Housing, meal plans and financial aid may not yet be finalized, so we will manually look at these six-month requests to ensure the plan is as accurate as it can be at your time of enrollment.
  • 5-month plan: August through December 2024.
  • 4-month plan: September through December 2024

Important Information:

  • Billing date is the 10th of each month. Due date is the 25th of each month.
  • A $50.00 enrollment fee is associated with this option each semester. The enrollment fee is a “non-refundable” fee.
Spring Plans Available

Full payment due by January 22, 2025.

Spring sign up begins December 20, 2024.

If you participate in the Fall 2024 payment plan and choose to enroll in the Spring 2025 payment, access to Spring 2025 enrollment will be blocked until your Fall 2024 balance has been satisfied, and the Fall program has been closed (approximately December 27, 2024).

  • 6-month plan: January through June 2025.
  • 5-month plan: February through June 2025.
  • 4-month plan: February through May 2025.

Important Information:

  • A $50.00 enrollment fee is associated with this option each semester. The enrollment fee is a “non-refundable” fee.
Payment Plan Arrangements Run by Semester

If you were enrolled in a payment plan arrangement for Fall 2024, you will need to re-enroll to participate in a payment plan arrangement for Spring 2025.

If you enroll in a monthly payment plan after the scheduled billing date (scheduled billing date is the tenth day of July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May and June), the system will require payment of the $50.00 enrollment fee, a payment for the month in which you are enrolling (even though the due date is not until the twenty-fifth of the month) as well as any past-due installments.

  • For example: On August 11, 2024 you decide that you would like to enroll in a six-month payment plan for Fall. The six-month plan runs from July through December. Upon enrollment, the system will require payment of the $50.00 enrollment fee, the August scheduled installment and the past-due July scheduled installment - OR
  • On February 11, 2025 you decide that you would like to enroll in a six-month plan for Spring. The six-month plan runs from January through June. Upon enrollment, the system will require payment of the $50.00 enrollment fee, the February scheduled installment and the past-due January scheduled installment.

*Monthly payment plan arrangements are subject to late fees. A late fee of $40.00 per month will be charged if the scheduled monthly payment is not received by the due date.

If you want to withdraw payments automatically on the due date, you must set up this option for each term’s payment plan.

Students can enroll in a payment plan by visiting my.carrollu.edu, logging into the Carroll University Self-Service portal, and then clicking Student Finance to the “Make a Payment” link to access the Payment Center.

VA Education and Training Benefit Payments

Those students eligible for education benefits through the US Department of Veterans Affairs, state or other military agencies should apply with the appropriate agency prior to registering for classes. After applying for benefits, students should contact Carroll’s Veteran Certifying Official in the Registrar’s Office, reg@carrollu.edu or 262.524.7208, to notify them of their intent to collect benefits. Federal benefits paid under Chapter 30, 35, 1606, or 1607 will be paid directly to the student. Recipients of such payments are advised to anticipate a delay of about two months before receiving the first payment. Students receiving benefits under these chapters should be prepared to pay all expenses since payments are made directly to the veteran. Wisconsin National Guard Tuition Grant funds are also paid directly to the student after the successful completion of a semester. Benefits under Chapter 31, 33 (Post 9-11 GI Bill®) and the Yellow Ribbon Benefits, as well as the Wisconsin Veteran Student Assistance Grant will be paid directly to the higher education institution.

For more information regarding Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) click here .

Refund Policies

Full-time status for undergraduate students is determined at the end of the first week of classes on the date indicated in the calendar as the last date to add classes (Census Day). A full-time undergraduate student who drops below 12 credits after this date will continue to be billed at full-time rates unless the student withdraws from the University.

For official cost of attendance budget information, click here.

Federal or state financial aid for part-time undergraduate students will be adjusted to reflect the final number of credits for which the student is enrolled on as of Census Day for each semester. All students adding or dropping a course should do so through the online registration portal or by contacting the Registrar’s Office via email or in person. Refunds are based on the date the add or drop is registered in the system, as indicated on the email, or on the date of delivery of those brought in personally to the Registrar’s Office. If a student drops from a credit class to an audit, the refund will be based on the credit course fee according to the refund policy. If a class is cancelled due to lack of enrollment, students registered for that class will be given a full refund. If undergraduate enrollment is for fewer than six credits (half-time status), the student may not be eligible for any financial aid.

Although the Financial Aid Census Date (adjustment date for financial aid) is one week after the semester begins, we are required by federal law to review any students who received the Federal Pell Grant. Under federal regulations, students can only receive Federal Pell Grants for the classes they attended, as of the Census Date.  The regulation states the following: If a student begins attending some but not all of their classes, the Financial Aid Office will have to recalculate the student’s Pell Grant award based on the student’s actual enrollment status. Therefore, if a student receives a Federal Pell Grant, the Financial Aid Office will review the student’s enrollment status throughout the semester.

Federal financial aid for graduate students will be adjusted to reflect the final number of credits for which the student is enrolled on as of Census Day for each semester. If enrollment is for fewer than three credits (half-time status), the student may not be eligible for any financial aid.

Procedures for Officially Withdrawing:  A student withdrawing from the University should complete the official withdrawal form with the Student Success Office, located on the second floor of Voorhees Hall. If a student is not able to visit the office (due to illness, emergency, etc.), they may contact the Student Success Office by phone (262.524.7360) or email to communicate their intent. This form must be returned so that the University can calculate the refund, if any, of institutional charges and determine the amount of aid that may need to be refunded to the various sources.

If a recipient of Title IV aid or state aid unofficially withdraws from all classes without following the proper withdrawal procedure, Carroll University is required to determine the student’s last date of academically related activity to calculate whether a portion of the student’s financial aid must be returned to the government. The Financial Aid Office will use the last date of attendance reported by the professor(s) or will contact the student’s professor(s) to determine the last date a student completed any academically related activity.

A student who withdraws from the University may be eligible for a refund. The amount of the refund is determined by the student’s withdrawal date and the charges on the student’s account. The refund is calculated using two formulas;

  1. Carroll University Refund Policy
  2. Federal Refund Policy*

*Federal methodology will be used to determine the amount of funds to be returned to State aid programs. 

A student who withdraws may be responsible for tuition, room and board, fees or other charges that had previously been paid by institutional, federal, state, or outside sources of financial aid.

The University may be required to adjust a student’s charges to take into account any return of funds the school might be required to make.  All scholarships, grants, and loans must be credited to a student account before a refund check will be issued. All refunds will be reduced by an administrative fee (not to exceed $100).

No refund of tuition, fees, room or board will be made to students dismissed or suspended from the University for disciplinary or academic reasons. Refunds of study abroad program registration fees are subject to regulations available in the Office of Global Education.

Carroll University Refund Policy:

Students who withdraw and have Carroll financial aid and/or aid other than Federal Title IV aid or State aid will have their financial aid adjusted according to the Tuition, Housing, and Meal Plan Refund Schedules:  https://www.carrollu.edu/business-office/pdf/carrollu-refund-schedules

Examples of aid that follow the Carroll Refund Policy include, but are not limited to, Carroll scholarships and grants, outside scholarships, other outside resources, or private loan.  For example, if a student receives an 80% tuition refund, then 80% of their Carroll financial aid (and other non-Title IV or non-State aid) will be returned.  Therefore, the student has earned 20% of this aid.

Federal Title IV aid or State aid will follow the Federal Refund Policy explained below.

Federal Refund Policy:
Treatment of Title IV Aid When a Student Withdraws

The law specifies how the University must determine the amount of Title IV program assistance that a student earns if they withdraw from school. The Title IV programs that are covered by this law are Federal Pell Grants, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants, TEACH Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs), Direct Loans, and Direct PLUS Loans.

Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded.  When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive. 

Students with federal aid who withdraw from the University after beginning attendance will have their Title IV aid recalculated (R2T4 Calculation) in accordance with guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Education derived from the October 7, 1998, Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. “A school must return the amount of Title IV funds for which it is responsible as soon as possible but no later than 45 days after it determines or should have determined that a student withdrew.”

The federal formula provides a return of the Title IV aid if the student received federal financial assistance and withdraws on or before completing 60% of the semester. A pro rata schedule is used to determine the amount of Title IV funds the student has earned at the time of withdrawal. For example, if a student completed 30% of their payment period, they earn 30% of the assistance they were originally scheduled to receive. Once they completed more than 60% of the payment period, they earn all the assistance that they were scheduled to receive for that period.

The percentage of the semester completed is determined by dividing the number of calendar days completed in the semester, as of the day the student withdrew, by the total number of calendar days in the same semester. Scheduled breaks of five or more consecutive days are excluded.

A student will not be subject to returns of their Title IV program assistance if they meet one of the following exemptions:

  • They complete all of the requirements for graduation;
  • They successfully complete a class or multiple classes that comprise at least 49 percent of the days in the term (only applies to a program offered in modules); or
  • They successfully complete a class or multiple classes that comprise at least half-time enrollment (only applies to a program offered in modules).

Post-withdrawal disbursement:  If a student withdraws after their aid was awarded, but prior to all aid having been disbursed, the unpaid aid will be included in the federal formula as aid that “could have been disbursed.” If the refund calculation indicates that the student is still eligible for the undisbursed aid, the aid will be offered to the student via a post withdrawal disbursement.

An eligible post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds will be disbursed within 45 days after the date of the school’s determination that the student withdrew. A post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds will automatically be disbursed without requesting written confirmation from the student.

For an eligible post-withdrawal disbursement of federal loan funds, the Financial Aid Office will provide an offer to the student (or parent for a Direct Parent PLUS Loan) in writing within 30 days of the date of the school’s determination that a student has withdrawn for the student or parent (as applicable) to accept or decline the eligible post-withdrawal disbursement prior to the school making any disbursement of loan funds.  

The notice will request confirmation of any post-withdrawal disbursement of loan funds that the student or parent (as applicable) wishes the school to make and has 14 days to respond in writing. If the Financial Aid Office has not received written notification within 14 days that the borrower is interested in receiving the loan funds, we will assume that they are not interested, and we will cancel all loan disbursements.

If a post-withdrawal disbursement results in a credit balance on the student’s account, the resulting credit balance will be refunded to the student as soon as possible and no later than 14 calendar days from the date of the post-withdrawal disbursement.  

Order of return of Title IV funds:

Pro-rated Title IV funds are returned to the respective federal programs in the following order:

  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan 
  • Federal Direct Subsidized Loan 
  • Federal Direct PLUS Loan (parent or graduate)
  • Federal Pell Grant Program
  • Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant
  • Federal SEOG Program
  • TEACH Grant Program
  • Any other assistance awarded to the student under programs authorized by Title IV HEA

Worksheets used to determine the amount of refund or return of Title IV aid are available upon request at the Carroll University Financial Aid Office.

Refund of Title IV credit balance when a student withdraws: 

When a student withdraws during a payment period with an existing Title IV credit balance, the Title IV credit balance is put on hold until the R2T4 Calculation is completed. Any remaining credit balance due to the student will be refunded as soon as possible and no later than 14 calendar days after the calculation of the R2T4 is completed. 

For purposes of repayment, if funds are released to a student because of a credit balance on the student’s account, then the student may be required to repay some of the federal grants released to the student. Until the repayment is resolved, the student is ineligible for further Title IV assistance. These refund policies are based upon the rules and regulations of the U.S. Department of Education and are subject to change.

Tuition, Housing and Meal Plan Refund Schedules 

For a complete list of tuition and fee refund schedules, please visit https://www.carrollu.edu/business-office/pdf/carrollu-refund-schedules.

  • Full- or part-time students who withdraw from the University may be eligible for a refund for tuition, housing, and meal plan.
  • Tuition rates are charged regardless of the modality of course instruction (i.e., face-to-face, online, or hybrid). Tuition will not be refunded or prorated if the University changes the modality of instruction due to situations such as The COVID-19 pandemic.
  • If a student drops from a credit class to an audit, the refund will be based on the credit course fee according to the refund policy. If a class is canceled due to lack of enrollment, students registered for that class will be given a full refund.

Students who withdraw from specially timed courses for the Summer 2024 session and have Carroll aid and/or aid other than Title IV are asked to contact the Financial Aid Office at 262.524.7296 for information regarding the amount of Carroll aid and/or aid other than Title IV aid earned.

Housing and Meal Plan Refunds

Refunds of housing and meal plan fees are available if a resident student officially withdraws from the University. The amount is determined by the refund calculation listed previously, or in the case of housing and meal plan fees, actual use, whichever is greater. The University will follow its published refund schedule, even in the event a student withdraws for medical reasons or in response to other concerns, such as those related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the event the University closes its residence halls, a prorated refund schedule will be announced.

Acadeum Refund Schedule

Acadeum Consortium courses have a separate refund schedule. Each course will follow its own refund schedule. Please contact the Registrar’s Office at reg@carrollu.edu or 262.524.7208 for more information.

Refund Policy for Students Called to Active Military Duty

Refund policy for students called to active military duty: The University recognizes the sacrifices that those in the armed services make while serving our country. We are proud to have these individuals as a part of our campus community and therefore maintain the following policy:

  • The student must provide the Registrar’s Office reg@carrollu.edu copies of official military orders for a leave of absence. The student will then be automatically withdrawn from all courses for the given semester. The academic record will reflect the non-punitive “W.”
  • Once the student’s military obligations are fulfilled, Carroll University will accommodate the student’s intentions of returning to the program they were in before their military leave. The student will be responsible to follow all program and degree requirements in order to complete this program.
  • Any housing and meal charges will be prorated based on the date in the semester the student is required to leave and the remaining amount will be refunded.

For a complete list of tuition and fee refund schedules, please click on this link.

For official cost of attendance budget information, please click here.