2024-25 Graduate Catalog
Doctorate of Physical Therapy
Jason E. Bennett |
Associate Professor of Physical Therapy |
Rita Deering |
Associate Professor of Physical Therapy |
Sara M. Deprey |
Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy; Program Director-Doctor of Physical Therapy;
Professor of Physical Therapy |
Lois Karnuth |
Clinical Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy |
Kimberly Klug |
Clinical Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy |
Ashley B. Knuth |
Director of Clinical Education-Doctor of Physical Therapy;
Clinical Associate Professor of Physical Therapy |
Amy E. McQuade |
Curriculum Coordinator-Doctor of Physical Therapy; Clinical Associate Professor of Physical Therapy |
Tamara Miller |
Clinical Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy |
Lindsey Palmen |
Clinical Associate Professor of Physical Therapy |
Richard Sroka |
Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy |
The entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy program is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at Carroll University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org; website: http://www.capteonline.org.
The mission of the Doctor of Physical Therapy Department at Carroll University is to educate students to become licensed physical therapists who are prepared to provide compassionate, respectful care in a dynamic health care environment and contribute to the profession and community. Education is grounded in evidence-based practice that includes consideration of diverse patient/client values, relevant research, and clinical experiential reasoning.
Graduates of the entry-level Physical Therapy program are reflective, adaptable, accountable and competent to render independent judgments within a framework of collaborative health care practice. Graduates are prepared to practice in a caring, compassionate manner with moral sensitivity, social responsibility and awareness of individual differences. Pre-professional education is grounded in the liberal arts and the natural, behavioral, and social and health sciences. Professional preparation is in the basic sciences, behavioral sciences, applied sciences, health sciences and the science of physical therapy. Graduates are prepared to examine, evaluate, diagnose, make prognoses and provide interventions designed to rehabilitate patients/clients to optimal levels of function, prevent the onset of symptoms, and progression of impairments, functional limitations and disabilities that may result from diseases, disorders or injuries. Understanding professional practice, patient/client management and practice management expectations allow graduates to impact health care delivery systems in their communities. Graduates have a life-long commitment to self-directed learning and critical inquiry, recognizing that completion of their professional education is the first phase on a continuum of phases to mastery and competency in physical therapy.
Graduates contribute to the profession and society by seeking and disseminating knowledge gained and providing pro bono services.
The program mission is reflected in its curricular philosophy. The curriculum is developed around four tracks, incorporating both traditional and problem-based learning concepts. Each track is composed of courses that find their foundations in the same basic or professional science. The professional track presents material in a manner that develops content from general to applied concepts in professional practice, patient/client management, practice management, clinical decision making and evidenced based practice. The neurological, musculoskeletal and general medicine tracks present basic science, applied science in the absence of pathology, and applied science in the presence of pathology within the context of patient care. Across and within the four tracks are common themes that include ethical inquiry and practice, continuous integration of theory and practice across the curriculum, self-management of the learning process by students, and self-reinforcement whereby students learn because they value their growing competence. The curriculum includes both didactic and practical experiences. There is collaborative teaching within and across tracks and courses with planned redundancy of subject matter. Constant reinforcement of content with clinical experiences occurs through observations of, and exposure to, patients in academic courses, exposure to clients in the program’s Teaching Laboratory Practice, and integrated clinical education.
To meet the program’s mission, a variety of individuals including, but not limited to, academic and clinical physical therapists; other professionals; basic, behavioral and social scientists; patients and care givers; and the community are involved in the program. These individuals facilitate learning and share their content expertise in their area of specialization. The academic, community and professional collaborations allow the program to link education to the reality of practice, anticipate future developments and keep a global perspective.
The entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy program is a three year, eight semesters program. It is divided into DPT Year 1, DPT Year 2, and DPT Year 3.
During DPT Year 1, course work in physical therapy begins at the 5400 level. The 5400-level courses present the basic, behavioral, professional and applied science foundations for the 6500-and 7600-level courses in DPT Year 2 and 3. For students who enter the program with direct admission status Bachelor’s degrees are awarded to those individuals satisfying all relevant Carroll undergraduate requirements at the conclusion of the senior year/DPT Year 1.
At the conclusion of DPT Year 1, students move into the graduate phase of the program, DPT Year 2, where 6500-level (summer, fall and spring terms of year five) and DPT Year 3, where 7600- level (summer, fall and spring terms of year six) courses in physical therapy are offered. Knowledge gained in each course is integrated throughout subsequent courses. Physical Therapy Program graduates participate in the University’s Commencement ceremony in May.
Post-graduate Opportunities
In accordance with the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education, Carroll University, in partnership with Aurora Health Care, offers the Aurora Physical Therapy and Carroll University Women’s Health Residency. The 12-month program provides post-professional education through one-to-one mentoring, structured curricular experiences, and guided learning designed to increase the quality of patient care and practitioner knowledge in Women’s health and pelvic health through best practices. Upon completion, the PT resident will be prepared to provide skilled care for patients seeking women’s health care services. Additionally, participants are encouraged tosit for the Women’s Health Certified Specialist (WCS) exam.
The entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program admits qualified students regardless of race, color, creed, gender, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or disability that does not interfere with the performance of professional physical therapy practice as provided by law. Students can enter the physical therapy program in one of three ways:
- Direct Admission - Carroll students with direct admission status matriculate directly from high school into the pre-professional phase of the program. The pre-professional phase includes the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior years at Carroll University. If a student with direct admission status meets all progression standards after his or her junior year at the University, he or she applies for progression into the professional phase of the DPT Program. This option allows students to earn an undergraduate bachelor’s degree as well as the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in a six-year time frame.
- Competitive Admission - Carroll students not selected for direct admission will follow the competitive admission process. Examples include high school students not selected for direct admission, undergraduate transfer students, Carroll alumni, and direct admission students who apply outside of their 3+3 cohort. Applicants who complete 60 or more undergraduate degree credits and will earn a bachelor’s degree from Carroll receive a calculated preference in consideration for the professional phase of the program. Competitive students may apply to the professional phase of the DPT program as early as their junior year at Carroll.
- Prior Degree Admission - An individual who received their bachelor’s degree outside of Carroll University may apply for admission to the professional phase of the DPT program. Prior degree applicants are reviewed in a competitive pool consisting of competitive and prior degree applicants. Prior degree applicants are required to apply to the DPT program via the Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS). Please reference www.ptcas.org for more information.
As decisions are made on applications, applicants are notified through the Office of Admission. Applicants must be eligible to return in good standing (be free of academic or disciplinary probation) to all institutions previously attended.
Admission Requirements:
- Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution or equivalent prior to matriculation (prior degree applicants) and by the completion of year 1 of the DPT program for direct admit and competitive applicants. (97 credits are needed prior to matriculation into phase I)
- Cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher (on a 4.0 scale).
- Pre-professional course work GPA of a 3.2 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)
- A minimum course grades of “C” or better and course work completion within the last seven years. A maximum of one course within the pre-professional course work may be repeated (see prerequisite section).
- Successful completion of all prerequisite course work prior to beginning the professional phase of the program (see prerequisite section). Direct admission applicants are required to complete all prerequisite, major, and general education coursework by the end of spring semester junior year. Direct admit and competitive admit applicants may complete CCS400 GPC in Year 1 of the professional phase.
CPR certification will be required by the third semester of the Program. The Program will offer CPR training options in the second or third semester of the DPT program.
Some students may choose to become or have been certified before they enter the Program. The following are CPR certification guidelines if students choose to complete CPR before entrance into the Program:
The CPR certification must be through the American Heart Association. Certifications must include CPR and AED for adults and pediatrics, including 2-person rescuer and bag valve mask. Courses must include completing in-person skills checks. Approved course: American Heart Association BLS for the HealthCare Provider. Students are responsible for maintaining currency in certifications throughout the Program.
- Safety and Technical Standards.
- Physical Therapy professional phase students are required to have completed a health screening, updated immunizations and tuberculosis screening according to current Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for health professionals, criminal background investigation and drug screening as required by internship placement sites. Exceptions to the immunization requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis where, for example, a student has an allergy to a vaccine or one of its components. If an exception to the immunization requirements is approved, the University cannot guarantee that its affiliated hospitals and clinics will allow the student to participate in patient care, which is a fundamental requirement of the clinical education component of the Program.
- Submission of required application materials prior to the applicant’s designated deadline date.
Direct Admission Application Requirements (Current Carroll students with direct admit status):
- Graduate Studies Application
- Supplemental Application Admission Materials, which include:
- Clinical Experience Documentation Form(s): Participation in a minimum of two clinical observation experiences from two different types of physical therapy practice settings include inpatient acute care, inpatient rehab/sub-acute rehab facility, nursing home facility/extended care, outpatient free-standing PT or hospital clinic, school/pre-school, industrial/occupational health, or home health. Clinical Experience Documentation Form(s) must be submitted to admission. A combined minimum of 16 hours between two different practice settings.
- One Reference form from a university professor
- Resume
- Application for Graduation through the Registrar’s Office, which initiates an audit of university academic requirements. Audit results must be reviewed by the student to ensure undergraduate requirements are completed.
- CCS 400 Global Perspectives Colloquium, may be completed in Year I of the graduate level
- All undergraduate students must complete 97 credits prior to year 1 and 128 credits along with all major, minor, and general education requirements after year 1 of the graduate level to receive their bachelor’s degree.
- Official GRE scores: Carroll’s School Code is 1101 and Department Code is 0619 - exam date must be within the last 5 years
- Official transcript(s): Submission of transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended. (Carroll applicants do not need to submit transcripts
- Cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)
- Pre-Professional GPA of 3.2 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) - reference the prerequisite section for details
Competitive Admission Application Requirements (Current Carroll students without direct admit status and alumni):
- Graduate Studies Application
- Supplemental Application Admission Materials, which include:
- Clinical Experience Documentation Form(s): Participation in a minimum of two clinical observation experiences from two different types of physical therapy practice settings include inpatient acute care, inpatient rehab/sub-acute rehab facility, nursing home facility/extended care, outpatient free-standing PT or hospital clinic, school/pre-school, industrial/occupational health, or home health. Clinical Experience Documentation Form(s) must be submitted to admission. A combined minimum of 16 hours between two different practice settings.
- Three Letters of Reference:
- One letter from a licensed physical therapist
- One letter from a university/college professor
- One letter from a personal contact (non-familial) that may attest to the student’s character
- Personal Statement
- Resume
- Health Science Statement
- Safety and Technical Standards
- Application for Graduation: (Only current Carroll students) application for graduation must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office prior to the application deadline to show evidence of the ability to earn a bachelor’s degree by the end of senior year.
- Official GRE scores: Carroll’s School Code is 1101 and Department Code is 0619 - exam date must be within the last 5 years
- Official transcript(s): Submission of transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended. (Carroll applicants do not need to submit transcripts
- Cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)
- Pre-Professional GPA of 3.2 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) - reference the prerequisite section for details
Prior Degree Application Requirements:
- PTCAS application. Please reference PTCAS for specific details at www.ptcas.org.
- Supplemental Application Fee.
- Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE). GRE’s must be sent directly to PTCAS. Carroll’s PTCAS GRE code is 8829.
- Participation in a minimum of two clinical observation experiences from two different types of physical therapy practice settings include inpatient acute care, inpatient rehab/sub-acute rehab facility, nursing home facility/extended care, outpatient free-standing PT or hospital clinic, school/pre-school, industrial/occupational health, or home health. Clinical Experience Documentation Form(s) must be submitted to admission. A combined minimum of 16 hours between two different practice settings.
- Three Letters of Reference - LOR’s must be submitted to PTCAS.
- One letter from a licensed physical therapist
- One letter from a university/college professor
- One letter from a personal contact (non-familial) that may attest to the student’s character
- PTCAS calculated cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher (on a 4.0 scale).
- Pre-Professional GPA of 3.2 or higher (on a 4.0 scale).
Prerequisite Coursework:
Successful completion of the following prerequisite course work with grades of “C” or higher is required prior to the start of the professional phase.
Pre-professional course work must be completed within seven years from the time of application.
A maximum of one course within the pre-professional course work may be repeated for a higher grade.
Pre-professional course work is identified with an asterisk below.
AP test credits will not satisfy anatomy, physiology, biology, chemistry, or physics requirements. AP test credits will satisfy psychology and statistics requirements.
Biology, chemistry and physics prerequisites must be completed as a one-year sequence.
Prerequisite Course Work Includes:
- *BIOLOGY - 2 semesters, which include:
- 2 semesters of general biology I and II with labs OR 2 semesters of anatomy & physiology I and II with labs (Equivalent to Carroll’s: BIO 120 & BIO125 or ANP 130 & ANP 140)
- *CHEMISTRY (Inorganic) - 2 semesters, which include:
- 2 semesters of general college chemistry I and II with labs (Equivalent to Carroll’s: CHE 101 & CHE 102 or CHE 109 & CHE 110)
- *PHYSICS - 2 semesters, which include:
- 2 semesters of general physics I and II with labs (Equivalent to Carroll’s: PHY 101 & PHY 102 or PHY 203 & PHY 204)
- *PSYCHOLOGY - Up to 2 semesters, which include:
- Introductory psychology or higher, with at least one course completed at a 200 level or higher (Equivalent to Carroll’s: PSY 101 and above)
- STATISTICS - 1 semester, which includes:
- 1 semester statistics (Equivalent to Carroll’s: CMP112 and CMP114)
- May be completed as 1 course
Admission and progression standards are subject to change based on regulatory, licensing and /or certification needs. Carroll University does not discriminate in any manner contrary to law or justice on the basis of race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, veteran’s status or national origin in its educational programs or activities, including employment and admissions.
Physical therapy prerequisite courses may be taken at any accredited University or college, including two-year campuses, and technical schools. A grade of “C” or higher is required for each prerequisite course. Applicants to the Carroll University Physical Therapy Program may not use advanced placement credit, test credit, or online course completion for biology, chemistry and physics prerequisite course work.
Technical Standards for Carroll University Physical Therapy Students
In preparation for professional roles physical therapy students are expected to demonstrate the ability to meet the demands encountered in a physical therapy career. Certain functional abilities are essential for the delivery of safe and effective care. An applicant to the DPT Program must meet and maintain the following technical standards for progression throughout the program. Students unable to meet these technical standards will not be able to complete the program. Students shall notify the program in a timely manner of any change in their ability to meet technical standards.
The technical standards include but are not limited to the following:
General Ability
The student is expected to possess functional use of the senses of vision, touch, hearing and smell so that data received by the senses is integrated, analyzed and synthesized in a consistent and accurate manner. The student is expected to possess the ability to perceive pain, pressure, temperature, position, vibration and movement in order to effectively evaluate patients. A student must be able to respond promptly to urgent situations.
Observational Ability
The student must have the ability to make accurate visual observations and interpret them in the context of clinical/laboratory activities and patient care experiences. The student must be able to document these observations accurately.
Communication Ability
The student must communicate effectively verbally and non-verbally to obtain information and explain that information to others. Each student must have the ability to read, write, hear, comprehend and speak the English language to facilitate communication with patients, family members and other members of the health care team. The student must be able to document and maintain accurate records, present information in a professional manner and provide patient instruction to effectively care for patients and their families.
Psychomotor Ability
The student must be able to perform gross and fine motor movements with sufficient coordination needed to provide complete safe effective care for patients. The student is expected to have psychomotor skills necessary to safely perform examination procedures and treatment interventions, including CPR if necessary. Examples of examination procedures include, but are not limited to, cognitive assessment, range of motion, manual muscle testing, sensation, balance, functional abilities, pain, cardiopulmonary status, percussion, palpation, and anthropometrics. Treatment interventions include, but are not limited to, patient education, manual therapy, functional training (transfers, bed mobility, activity of daily living training, etc.), application of therapeutic physical agents such as electrotherapy, radiation, heat, and cold, and wound care.
The student must have sufficient levels of neuromuscular control and eye-to-hand coordination as well as possess the physical and mental stamina to meet the demands associated with extended periods of sitting, standing, moving and physical exertion required for safe patient care. Students must be able to bend, squat, reach, kneel or balance. The DPT curriculum may require students to carry and lift loads from the floor, from 12 inches from the floor, to shoulder height and overhead. The student must be able to occasionally lift 50 pounds, frequently lift 25 pounds and constantly lift 10 pounds. The student is expected to be able to maintain consciousness and equilibrium and have the physical strength and stamina to perform satisfactorily in clinical settings.
Intellectual/Cognitive Ability
The student must have the ability to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential to professional physical therapy practice. Problem solving skills include the ability to measure, calculate reason, analyze, synthesize, and judge objective and subjective data, and to make decisions in a timely manner that reflects thoughtful deliberation and sound clinical judgment. The student must demonstrate application of these skills and possess the ability to comprehend, retain, retrieve and incorporate prior knowledge with new information from multiple sources including, but not limited to self, peers, instructors and related literature to formulate sound judgment for competent patient/client management, practice management, and functions required for clinical scholarship.
Behavioral and Social Attributes
The student is expected to have the emotional stability required to exercise sound judgment, complete assessment and intervention activities. Compassion, integrity, motivation and concern for others are personal attributes required of those in the DPT program. The student must fully utilize intellectual capacities that facilitate prompt completion of all responsibilities in the classroom and clinical settings; the development of mature, sensitive and effective relationship with patients and other members of the healthcare team. The student must have the ability to establish rapport and maintain respectful interpersonal relationships with individuals, families and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds. Each student must be able to adapt to changing environments; display flexibility; accept and integrate constructive criticism given in the classroom and clinical settings; and effectively collaborate with others. Students must continuously self-assess to improve as a professional.
Ability to Manage Stressful Situations
The student must be able to adapt to and function effectively in relation to stressful situations encountered in both the classroom and clinical settings, including emergency situations. Students will encounter multiple stressors while in the DPT program, and must effectively manage these stressors throughout entire workdays. These stressors may be (but are not limited to) personal, patient care/family, faculty/peer and/or program related.
As part of a comprehensive health science education curriculum, students participate in various clinical education or experiential learning experiences. Carroll-operated health and wellness clinics require standard vaccinations for students in training. These requirements are consistent with CDC recommendations for healthcare providers and are subject to an approved medical/religious exemption. Currently, the Covid-19 vaccine is not required in Carroll operated health and wellness clinics. Similarly, students placed in external healthcare sites will likely have these same or unique requirements. Students must comply with host site vaccination policies, most of which follow CDC Healthcare Provider recommendations, these may include the Covid-19 vaccine. Individual sites may have their own exemption processes for vaccination, defer exemption screening to the University, or may not include an exemption option.
Background Check
Clinical facilities require that Carroll University perform background checks on all students before participation in clinical courses. The background check result is shared with the clinical facility.
An applicant/candidate with a handicap shall not, on the basis of his or her handicap, except those which would preclude the essential skills outlined above, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, nor be subjected to discrimination in the program. Carroll University may require that the applicant/student undergo a physical examination and/or an occupational skills evaluation.
All DPT students must be able to perform the essential functions of a student physical therapist. Reasonable accommodations will be afforded to students with disabilities as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A student who can no longer perform the essential functions of a student physical therapist must report this to their program advisor. If reasonable accommodations cannot be made, the student will not be able to remain in the DPT program.
The Physical Therapy program may require that an applicant/student undergo a physical examination. An applicant/student who is handicapped shall not, on the basis of his or her handicap (except those which would preclude the essential skills outlined above), be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, nor be subjected to discrimination in the physical therapy program.
Students in the Physical Therapy program are required to complete the Carroll University Physical Therapy Intern Medical Information Form upon entrance into the program. This form documents information about the student’s health insurance carrier, physician, medical conditions, vaccination history and completion of health risk training. A copy of the original documents remain on file in the program. Students carry a copy to each full-time clinical internship. It is the student’s responsibility to update the information on this form on a yearly basis, or more frequently if necessary. Any medical treatment needed by a physical therapy student during academic preparation or clinical education experience is the responsibility of the student.
Caregiver Background and Criminal History Check and Health Screenings
On October 1, 1998, the State of Wisconsin, Department of Health and Family Services mandated that all persons who seek to be employed and/or licensed in the caregiver industry must fulfill the Caregiver and Background Check requirements in Section 50.065 of the Wisconsin statute. Entry-level Physical Therapy students are required, by the first day of class of the program, to complete a background and criminal history check.
Physical Therapy professional phase students are required to have completed a health screening, updated immunizations and tuberculosis screening according to current Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for health professionals, criminal background investigation and drug screening as required by internship placement sites. Exceptions to the immunization requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis where, for example, a student has an allergy to a vaccine or one of its components. If an exception to the immunization requirements is approved, the University cannot guarantee that its affiliated hospitals and clinics will allow the student to participate in patient care, which is a fundamental requirement of the clinical education component of the Program.
Health: Pre-professional and professional students are required to have medical insurance. Those who are covered by a family or personal policy must provide the insuring company’s name and the policy number on a waiver form that is sent to the student by the University’s Business Office. For students without their own coverage, a group insurance policy is available through the University. Students are also required to have a personal health history form completed and on file at the University’s health center.
Clinical facilities may require proof of immunizations or additional procedures (lab studies, radiographs, etc.). The student is responsible for the cost of any related procedures.
Professional Liability: Professional students are required to purchase on a yearly basis professional liability insurance through a university endorsed company.
Academic Progression Physical Therapy Program
Progression Standards for the progression policy.
Dismissed Graduate Students’ Participation in Commencement
A student may be dismissed from a Carroll University graduate program if he/she does not fulfill the academic progression requirements outlined by each program. If a student is dismissed from a graduate program, he/she will not be able to participate in the Commencement ceremony. The student may choose to appeal this dismissal by completing an Academic Petition form which is reviewed by the Academic Steering Committee. Depending on the outcome of the committee’s decision, the student may be eligible to participate in the Commencement ceremony the following academic year.
Policy on Reapplication to the Program
The policy on reapplication defines the process by which students may seek readmission to the program following a withdrawal or dismissal of the student from the program for failing to maintain good academic standing. Readmission candidates may apply for readmission to the program no sooner than one year and no later than three years from the date of the withdrawal or dismissal. Readmission candidates may exercise their reapplication option only once. Readmission candidates applying to the program must submit the materials required and shall be considered with all new applicants for admission. In addition, they must provide transcripts relating to any education experiences completed since leaving the program. A letter indicating why the readmission candidate believes they will succeed academically and technically in the program must accompany the application materials. Upon review of the materials, the program’s admission selection committee may render the following decisions: 1) Approval of the request for readmission to the beginning of the program, or 2) Denial of the request for readmission to the program.
Clinical Education
Clinical education in the physical therapy program consists of three part-time practicum courses and 32 weeks of full-time supervised clinical experience courses. Clinical education experiences occur off campus, and thus a student must secure appropriate transportation and housing.
Learning experiences involving clients begin in the classroom through course experiences both at the University and at clinical practice settings where students observe and have planned practical experiences. The classroom experiences are expanded into a series of three integrated part-time clinical experience courses where students participate in campus-community service learning health and wellness initiatives with healthy individuals and individuals with pathology and disability across the life span. In addition, students participate in four full-time (40 hours/week) experiences with patients/clients in a variety of environments that include rural, inpatient, outpatient, and specialty facilities and that are representative of contemporary physical therapy practice and patient/client differences.
Fees and Financial Aid
Course fees and tuition are published in the Tuition, Fees, Payments, and Refund Policies section of the Graduate Catalog.
Students are responsible for determining the requirements of and securing the application from the state in which they expect to be licensed.