Office of Academic Affairs
Dr. Mark D. Blegen
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Graduate Studies at Carroll
Carroll University offers increasingly varied opportunities to earn graduate degrees. Currently, the University offers the Master of Business Administration, the Master of Physician Assistant Studies, the Master of Education, the entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy, and the Master of Software Engineering. Four emphases are available within the Master of Education degree: curriculum and instruction, adult and continuing education, health education, and community health educator.
Graduate education focuses on intellectual challenge and the development of critical thinking skills. Working professionals are encouraged to reflect on their current and future practice. Recognizing the compelling need for continuing education today, Carroll’s graduate programs are designed to stay abreast of the latest knowledge in each field of study.
Benefits of Graduate Work at Carroll
Carroll’s graduate programs are well suited to the needs of working professionals. While the Entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy program and the Master of Physician Assistant Studies require full-time attendance, the Business Administration, Graduate Education and Software Engineering programs are intended to be completed on a part- time basis. Entire degrees are available through evening attendance. Graduate students in these programs may enroll on a year-round basis, while studying at their own pace. Individualized advising is available through faculty advisers supplemented by counselors in the Office of Part-time Studies and the Office of Admission.
Graduate students are encouraged to apply learning to their current positions. They benefit from the opportunity to network with others in their field as they develop professional expertise. Classes are highly interactive as students and faculty share ideas, questions and viewpoints. Educational relevance is a primary commitment within each graduate curriculum.
Accreditation Information
Click here for information on accreditation.
Graduate Student Learning Goals/Assessment
- Students will demonstrate advanced knowledge, skills, dispositions, and values appropriate to the discipline.
- To be awarded an advanced degree, all graduate students will be required to complete a program of coursework appropriate to the discipline. The culminating experience activity, including a thesis, project, or comprehensive examination is required.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to be creative, analytical, and critical thinkers.
- Graduate level seminars and courses will require extensive research and writing activities that meet high academic standards in both form and content.
- The completion of an original thesis or project may be required as part of graduate academic programs.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to work as individual researchers/scholars as well as in collaboration with others in contributing to the scholarship of their disciplines, as appropriate.
- Graduate courses, seminars, and internships may require that students demonstrate their ability to work successfully on group projects.
- Students will demonstrate relevant knowledge and dispositions enabling work with diverse populations as appropriate to their individual discipline.
- Student assignments may require demonstrated awareness of intercultural and global perspectives.
- Student portfolios may be required that reflect, in either an applied or a research-oriented context, an understanding of the global perspectives of the discipline.
- Students may be required to document proficiency or experience in second language/culture studies.
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of new and various methods and technologies as appropriate to the discipline.
- Students may be required to participate in a supervised practicum, internship, or service learning activity in which they demonstrate the ability to perform successfully.
- Students may be required to participate in Distance Learning courses in which they demonstrate learning through mediated instruction.
- Students may be required to demonstrate their ability to use multimedia in the classroom or in professional presentations.
- Students may be required to demonstrate their ability to use all relevant information technology that is useful in their fields.
- Students will be required to demonstrate advanced oral and written communication skills, complemented, as appropriate to the discipline, by the ability to access and analyze information from a myriad of primary, print, and technological sources.
- Entering students may be required to submit scores from an examination such as the GRE or a similar nationally-normed assessment instrument; a minimum score may be established by individual programs.
- Students are required to meet standards in writing competency as determined by each program.
- Students may be required to make oral presentations in graduate courses.
- Students are required to complete a comprehensive examination, thesis or project that demonstrates their knowledge of the discipline and their ability to communicate this knowledge articulately in both oral and written modes.
- An original written thesis or project may be required that reflects the students’ ability to conduct research using primary sources from a broad spectrum of printed and electronic media. An oral defense or presentation of the thesis or project is required.
- When required to write a thesis or project, students will submit timely proposals to their committees. All research conducted by students must comply with relevant federal, state, and University policies. Students are required to complete theses or projects that are persuasive, cogent, and well- articulated.
- Students will demonstrate ethical standards of behavior, both personally and professional.
- Students are expected to aware of and adhere to the ethical standards appropriate to their respective fields and demonstrate personal behavior consonant with those tenants.