Feb 13, 2025  
2022-23 Graduate Catalog 
2022-23 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Progression Standards

Academic Progression Standards for Master of Science of Athletic Training:

1.  Earn a grade of C or better or S in all program courses (includes clinical internships). A student earning a letter grade of D, F or U in a didactic course will be placed on probation and requires the student to repeat the course before progressing to subsequent courses in the program. Students earning a D, F, or U in a clinical education course will be placed on probation and are required to repeat the course, students may continue with didactic coursework in the program. 

2.  If a student is unable to take further courses in the next occurring semester as a result of this policy, the student is continued on academic probation and repeats the course during the next appropriate semester. 

3.  When repeating an MSAT program course, a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or clinical competencies/practica that validate theoretical knowledge. 

4.  Maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better each semester. If a student earns a semester grade point average between 2.0 and 2.99, they will be placed on academic probation. If a student is placed on academic probation any time during the program, they must meet the academic progression standards in the following semester to be removed from academic probation.  Failure to meet progression standards in the following semester will result in a dismissal from the program.

5.  If a student is on academic probation during the last semester of the program, the student must earn an S in the clinical capstone internship ATH6670, to graduate. 

6.  A student will be dismissed from the program if 1) they are placed on academic probation a second time during their tenure in the program, 2) they fail to meet the criteria for the removal from academic probation, 3) they earn a semester GPA of 1.99 or less or 4) they receive a D, F, or U twice in one MSAT program course or by receiving a D, F or U in any two MSAT program courses, 5) a course may be repeated only one time. 

The student must also: 

1)  Demonstrate appropriate behaviors consistent with professional standards as well as Carroll University and MSAT Program policies. 

2)  Attend one professional athletic training conference (e.g., Wisconsin Athletic Trainers Association [WATA], Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Conference [GLATA]) 

3)  Present scholarly work. 

Academic Progression Standards for Master of Science in Clinical Exercise Physiology:

  1. Students must maintain both a semester GPA > 3.21 and cumulative GPA > 3.0.   
  2. A student is placed on academic probation if one or more of the following occur:
    • Semester GPA <3.20
    • A grade of C is earned in any combination of two classes
    • A grade of a “U” is earned in any ONE clinical course. EXP 5520 , EXP 5580 , EXP 5590 , EXP 6600 , and EXP 6610  
  3. A student must repeat any course in which a grade of “U,” D, or “F” is earned. and is unable to take subsequent courses, for which this course is a prerequisite. A course may only be retaken once. 
  4. The student remains on academic probation until the student can repeat and successfully pass the course.  The student may not progress to subsequent courses in the program if the course is a prerequisite of another. 
  5. If a student is placed on probation due to GPA requirements, probationary status will be removed if the student attains a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in subsequent semesters
  6. A student may not graduate on probation and must graduate with a cumulative GPA > 3.0.
  7. A student is automatically dismissed if one or any combination of the following occur:
    • A student’s semester GPA <2.8
    • A student unsuccessfully passes a course retake
    • Earning a probationary grade of “C” or lower or “U” in any combination on three separate occasions

Academic Progression Standards for Master of Science in Nursing 

The academic progress of students in either the Master of Science in Nursing-Nursing Education (MSN-NE) or the Master of Science in Nursing-Direct Entry (MSN-DE) programs is evaluated at the end of each 8-week session of courses. Progression standards are subject to change based on regulatory, licensing, and/or certification needs. Satisfactory progress is contingent upon satisfying the following academic requirements.

Academic progression in the MSN program requires a grade of B or better or S, in all MSN courses and an 8-week session grade point average (GPA) of 3.00.

Satisfactory Progression and Probation

A student will be placed on probation:

  • If a student receives a letter grade of BC, C, D, F or U, they are placed on academic probation
    • In order for a student to be removed from academic probation they are required to repeat the course and obtain a B or better or S before progressing to subsequent courses. When repeating an MSN course, a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or clinical competencies/practicums that validate theoretical knowledge. If a student is unable to take further courses in the next occurring session/semester as a result of this policy, the student must wait and repeat the course during the next appropriate session/semester. Due to course sequencing within the program, this will delay the student’s graduation date. Students may decelerate to the next cohort only one time. MSN courses may be repeated only one time.
  • A student must obtain a session/semester grade point average of 3.00 or better each session/semester. If a student earns a session/semester grade point average between 2.00 to 2.99, they are placed on academic probation.
    • To meet academic standards for progression, the student must earn a session/semester grade point average of 3.00 or better in the following session/semester.

If at any time the student is deemed unsatisfactory in a clinical course or a course containing a clinical component, the student will receive a failing grade for the course, cannot continue to attend and will be placed on probation or dismissed from the program.

Dismissal from MSN Program

  • If a student does not meet progression standards a second time during their tenure in the program, they will be dismissed from the program. A student receiving a BC, C, D, F or U in the same MSN course twice or in two MSN courses is dismissed from the program. If a student earns a session/semester grade point average of 1.99 or less, they will be dismissed from the program.
  • If a student is on academic probation during their final session/semester in the MSN program, they must earn a grade of S in clinical course(s) and grades of B or better and earn a 3.00 session/semester GPA or higher to graduate from the program. If this is not obtained students will be dismissed from the MSN program.

In addition to the Nursing Program Academic Progression policy, the Department of Nursing may generate a warning letter and may recommend that a student be dismissed from the program for any of the following reasons:

•A pattern of course withdrawals, incompletes, and/or grades below B.

•Unprofessional behavior in academic (online or face to face classes), laboratory, or practicum settings.

Academic Progression Standards for Master of Occupational Therapy:

All MOT degree program requirements must be completed by the student in 33 months unless permission is otherwise granted by the Director of the MOT Program. Satisfactory progress is contingent upon satisfying the following academic requirements:

Academic progression in the MOT program requires a grade of C or better or S in all MOT courses. If a student receives a letter grade of D, F or U they are placed on academic probation in the MOT program. In order for a student to be removed from academic probation they are required to repeat the course and obtain a C or better or S before progressing to subsequent courses. When repeating an MOT course, a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or clinical competencies/practicums that validate theoretical knowledge. If a student is unable to take further courses in the next occurring semester as a result of this policy, the student must wait and repeat the course during the next appropriate semester. Due to course sequencing within the program, this will delay the student’s graduation date. Students may decelerate to the next cohort only one time. MOT courses may be repeated only one time.

A student must obtain a grade point average of 3.00 or better each semester. If a student earns a semester grade point average between 2.00 to 2.99, they are placed on academic probation. To meet academic standards for progression, the student must earn a grade point average of 3.00 or better in the following semester. If a clinical internship course is scheduled during the next semester, the student must earn a satisfactory (S) grade in the clinical internship course to continue on academic probation. If a student is on academic probation during their final semester in the MOT program, they must earn a grade of S in any clinical internship, course grades of C/S or better, and earn a 3.0 GPA or higher to graduate from the program. If this is not obtained, students will be dismissed from the MOT program.

Please note that a 3.0 GPA AND satisfactory (S) clinical rotation score must be earned in the final semester to meet academic progression standards.

Once a clinical course commences students cannot withdraw from the clinical course.

If at any time the student is deemed unsatisfactory in a clinical course, the student cannot continue to attend.

Dismissal from MOT Program:

If a student does not meet progression standards a second time during their tenure in the program, they will be dismissed from the program. A student receiving a D, F or U in the same MOT course twice, or in two MOT courses, is dismissed from the program. If a student earns a semester grade point average of 1.99 or less, they will be dismissed from the program.

Academic Progression Standards for Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies:

Year 1 / Didactic Academic Progression Standards

A student will be placed on academic probation if he/she fails to meet the following didactic academic progression standards:

  1. The students must achieve a letter grade of C or better in all physician assistant year-1 courses. If a student receives a letter grade of D or lower in any physician assistant year-1 course, he/she will be placed on academic probation.
  2. The student must also achieve and maintain a minimum cumulative and semester GPA of 3.0 throughout the didactic year or he/she will be placed on academic probation. The student must come off probation during the subsequent full semester of the program (excluding January term and May term.)

To be removed from academic probation the following criteria must be met:

  1. The student must repeat the course in which they received a letter grade of D or lower and achieve a minimum letter grade of C in that course the next time it is offered. Due to course sequencing within the program, this will decelerate the student to the next cohort and will delay the student’s graduation date. Students may decelerate only one time.
  2. While repeating the course, the student must achieve a C or better in all ancillary and audited learning experiences and assessments regardless of the initial grade received in those courses previously. They must also adhere to all attendance and participation policies with in the program.
  3. The student must maintain a cumulative and semester grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better. If the student has begun clinical rotations after being placed on academic probation during the last didactic semester, he/she must earn a letter grade of B or better in the first clinical rotation and achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in the following clinical semester.

A student will be dismissed from the program for any of the following:

  1. A student who receives a D or an F in any two physician assistant year-1 courses at any point in the didactic year will be dismissed from the program.
  2. If a student earns a year-1 cumulative GPA of 1.99 or less in any year-1 semester, he/she will be dismissed from the program.
  3. A student may be placed on academic probation only one time during the program. If a student is placed on probation a second time, he/she will be dismissed from the program.

Year 2 / Clinical Academic Progression Standards

A student will be required to repeat a clinical rotation if they fail to meet the following clinical year academic progression standards:

  1. Students must receive a grade of C (75% or higher) on the final preceptor evaluation for each clinical rotation. If a student receives less than a grade of C (75% or higher) on any final preceptor evaluation, they will be required to repeat that clinical rotation.
  2. If a student is dismissed from a rotation by a preceptor for any cognitive or non-cognitive reason, the dismissal may be considered a failure of that rotation pending review by the Clinical Coordinator and the Program Director regardless of the final grade awarded by the preceptor. If at any time the student is deemed unsatisfactory in a clinical course, the student cannot continue to attend. A failed rotation must be repeated.
  3. Once a clinical course commences students cannot withdraw from the clinical course.
  4. Students must pass the EOR examination for each clinical rotation with a C (70% or higher.) If a student receives less than a C (70% or lower), they will be required to complete remediation as outlined in the Clinical Manual as facilitated by the PA faculty. If the student passes the repeat examination, he/she will receive a grade of a C (70%) on the examination regardless of the grade achieved on the second examination. If the student receives less than a C (70% or lower) a second time, they must repeat that rotation. Second year students can remediate the EOR examination not more than 3 times across all clinical rotations in the second year.
  5. The student must also achieve and maintain a minimum cumulative and semester GPA of 3.0 throughout the clinical year or s/he will be placed on academic probation. The student must come off probation during the subsequent academic full semester of the program. A student can only be placed on academic probation one time during both academic years in the program. If a second academic probation occurs the student will be dismissed from the program.

All students required to repeat a clinical rotation must also complete remediation as outlined by the Clinical Coordinator. Repeat rotations will be arranged and scheduled by the Clinical Coordinator at or near the end of the clinical year and may delay the student’s graduation pending preceptor availability. All students will be given the final minimum passing grade of a C (70%) for a repeat rotation regardless of the grade achieved during the repeat rotation.

A student will be dismissed from the program for any of the following:

  1. A student who receives less than a C (75% or lower) on a repeat rotation’s final preceptor evaluation, or is again dismissed from a rotation by the preceptor, will be dismissed from the program.
  2. A student who is required to repeat two rotations will be dismissed from the program.
  3. A student may be placed on academic probation only one time during the program. If a student is placed on probation a second time, he/she will be dismissed from the program.
  4. A student who requires more than 3 EOR examination remediations will be dismissed from the program.

Academic Progression Standards for Doctor of Physical Therapy:

All entry-level Physical Therapy program requirements must be completed in 33 months unless permission is otherwise granted by the director of the Physical Therapy program. The academic progress of students in the Physical Therapy program is evaluated at the end of each semester. Progression standards are subject to change based on regulatory, licensing, and/or certification needs. Satisfactory progress is contingent upon satisfying the following academic requirements:

  1. A grade of C or better or a grade of S is required in all physical therapy courses. A student earning a letter grade of D, F or U will be placed on academic probation in the Physical Therapy Program. A letter grade of D, F or U in physical therapy courses requires the student to repeat the course before progressing to subsequent courses for which the failed course is a prerequisite. If a student receives an Unsatisfactory in a full-time clinical experience, progression requirement will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the program. When repeating a physical therapy course, a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or clinical competencies/practicums that validate theoretical knowledge. If a student is unable to take further courses in the next occurring semester as a result of this policy, the student repeats the course during the next appropriate semester. The student will be placed on academic probation. A course may be repeated only one time. A student receiving a D, F or U in the same physical therapy course twice or in two physical therapy courses is dismissed from the program.
  2. A student must obtain a grade point average of 3.00 or better each semester, and a grade of S in all courses graded S/U courses. If a student earns a semester grade point average between 2.00 to 2.99, or received a U in a course, he or she is placed on academic probation. To be meet the requirements of an academic probation term, the student must earn a grade point average of 3.00 or better in all subsequent semesters. If a clinical internship course is scheduled during the next semester, the student must earn an S in the clinical internship course and a semester grade point average of 3.00 or better in the semester following the clinical internship to meet academic progression standards. If a student is on academic probation the last semester of the program, the student must earn an S in the clinical internship course to graduate. A student will be dismissed from the program if:
    1. they fail to meet academic standards any time following a probation term, or
    2. if they earn a semester GPA of 1.99 or less. While on probation, students may be required to complete activities designed to facilitate success.
    3. Once a clinical course commences, students cannot withdraw from the clinical course.
    4. If at any time the student is deemed unsatisfactory in a clinical course, the student cannot continue to attend.

Academic Progression Standards for Master of Science in Sport Physiology and Performance Coaching:

A grade of B or better is required for all courses within the Sport Physiology & Performance Coaching (SPPC) program.  A letter grade of C, D, F, or U in any course within the SPPC program results in the student being placed on academic probation within the program until the student is able to repeat the course. A student may continue with courses in the program for which the course with letter grade of C, D, F, or U is not a prerequisite. Students may not take courses for which the course is a prerequisite. When repeating an SPPC program course a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or practicums that validate theoretical knowledge. If a student is unable to take further courses in the next occurring semester as a result of this policy, the student is placed on academic suspension and repeats the course during the next appropriate semester.  A course may be repeated only one time. A student receiving a C, D, F or U in the same SPPC program course twice or in two SPPC program courses is dismissed from the program.

A student must obtain a GPA of 3.00 or better each semester. If a student earns a semester grade point average between 2.00 - 2.99, they are placed on academic probation. To be removed from academic probation the student must earn a GPA of 3.00 or better in the following semester.  If an internship course is scheduled during the next semester, the student must earn a satisfactory (S) grade in the internship course and a GPA of 3.00 or better in the semester following the internship to be removed from academic probation.

If a student was placed on academic probation once and a second violation of the academic progression policy occurs, either a grade of C, D, F, or U, in a course or a GPA below a 3.00, the student will be dismissed from the program. Students who cancel or withdraw from the Master of Science in SPPC program forfeit their position in the program. Students wishing to re-enter the graduate program after cancelling or withdrawing must go through the full re-application process.

Once the internship course commences students cannot withdraw from the internship.

If at any time the student is deemed unsatisfactory in the internship course, the student cannot continue to attend.

Since transportation to and from an internship site is the student’s responsibility, a vehicle is required for each student.


Evaluation of Academic Standing and Progression in the Health Sciences

An interdisciplinary health science committee consisting of health sciences administrators, program directors, and the Registrar will conduct an evaluation of academic progression at the end of each semester. Health Sciences students may appeal a probation or dismissal decision by filing an Academic Affairs Petition with the Registrar’s Office. The decision of the university regarding the appeal is final. During the appeal process, a student may participate in courses.
The Academic Affairs Petition form is found on the Registrar’s Office web page or click here.