Feb 13, 2025  
2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Progression Standards

Academic Action

College of Health Sciences Progression Standards

Progression Standards for the Associate Degree in Nursing:

  1. Grades of BC or better are required in all nursing, chemistry, biology, and health science courses. A satisfactory (S) is required in all completed clinicals (practica). If a grade is lower than a BC or a grade of unsatisfactory (U) is earned, the student will be placed on probation in the nursing program. In order to have the nursing probationary status removed, the student must repeat the coursework and earn a grade of BC or higher and /or a grade of (S). In all concurrent nursing and practica courses, a student is required to earn a BC or better in the didactic course and a (S) grade in the practica. Unsuccessful achievement in either course necessitates repeating the didactic and practica course. If courses are repeated, the university repeat/replace policy applies to all courses.
  2. A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75. For first semester students, GPA progression standards will be evaluated after the students attempt a minimum of 12 credits. A student whose cumulative GPA is below 2.75 will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. To have the probationary status removed, a student must attain a 2.75 GPA in the subsequent semesters.
  3. A student will be dismissed from the program if:
    1. s/he fails to attain a 2.75 cumulative GPA in the subsequent semester.
      1. If a cumulative GPA is less than a 2.75 due to a course grade and that same course is not offered in the subsequent semester, probation is continued until the semester when the same course is offered.
    2. s/he is placed on academic probation a second time during his or her tenure in the program.
    3. s/he fails to meet the criteria for the removal from academic probation.
  4. If a grade below a BC is achieved or an S is not achieved, the student may not progress to subsequent courses in the program if the course is a prerequisite of another. When repeating a nursing, biology, chemistry, or health science course, a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences of clinical competencies/practica that validate theoretical knowledge.
  5. A course may be repeated only one time. A student receiving a C, D, F, or U twice in one nursing, chemistry, biology, or health science course or in two nursing, chemistry, biology, and health science courses is dismissed from the program.
  6. A transfer student who takes ANRS 100  and ANRS 230  concurrently and earns lower than a C in ANRS 100  must retake ANRS 100  in the subsequent semester. In this case, the student may register for ANRS 236  in the subsequent semester but may not register for ANRS 233  or ANRS 234 .
  7. A student who withdraws from any nursing, chemistry, biology, or health science course twice will be dismissed from the program. A student will be dismissed from the nursing program if they withdraw for academic reasons from a nursing, chemistry, biology, or health science course that is being repeated because of a previously earned grade of C, D, F, or U.
  8. If a student withdraws from a course for reasons other than a director-approved request for medical or personal leave, the student must successfully complete the course in the next available semester or academic term.
  9. Once a clinical course commences, students cannot withdraw from the clinical course.
  10. If at any time the student is deemed unsatisfactory in a clinical course, the student cannot continue to attend.

Progression Standards for the Athletic Training Program (MSAT)

Pre-Athletic Training Program

To proceed to the professional phase of the Athletic Training Program in senior year, a student must have a cumulative and preprofessional (natural, behavioral, and social science) GPA of 3.0 or higher. Carroll University Academic Standing policies apply to Athletic Training students.

Professional Phase of the Athletic Training Program

Academic progression in the MSAT program requires a grade of C or better in all MSAT courses. An earned letter grade of D, F or an unsatisfactory grade of U in any MSAT course places the student on academic probation and requires the student to repeat the course before progressing to subsequent courses for which the failed course is a prerequisite. When repeating an athletic training course, a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or clinical competencies/ practicums that validate theoretical knowledge. If a student is unable to take further courses in the next occurring semester as a result of this policy, the student is placed on academic suspension and repeats the course during the next appropriate semester. A course may be repeated only one time. A student receiving a D, F or U in the same athletic training course twice or in two athletic training courses is dismissed from the program.

A student must obtain a grade point average of 3.00 or better each semester. If a student earns a semester grade point average between 2.00 to 2.99 or receives an “Unsatisfactory” course grade, they are placed on academic probation. To meet academic standards for progression, the student must earn a grade point average of 3.00 or better in the following semester. If a clinical internship course is scheduled during the next semester, the student must earn a satisfactory (S) grade in the clinical internship course to be removed from academic probation. If a student does not meet progression standards a second time during their tenure in the program, they will be dismissed from the program. If a student earns a semester grade point average of 1.99 or less, they will be dismissed from the program.

Progression Standards for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing

  1. Grades of BC or better are required in all nursing, chemistry, biology, and health science courses. A satisfactory (S) is required in all completed clinicals.
  2. If a grade lower than a BC, or a grade of (U) is earned, the student will be placed on probation in the nursing program. To have the nursing probationary status removed, the student must repeat the coursework at Carroll  and earn a grade of BC or higher and/or a grade of (S). If courses are repeated, the university repeat/replace policy applies to all courses.
  3. A course may be repeated only one time. When repeating a nursing, biology, or chemistry course, a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or clinical competencies/practica that validate theoretical knowledge.
  4. If a grade below a BC is achieved or an S is not achieved, the student may not progress to subsequent courses in the program if the course is a prerequisite of another.
  5. In all concurrent nursing and practica courses a student is required to earn a BC or better in the didactic course and a (S) grade in the practica to move forward in the clinical sequence.
  6. A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75. (For First Time Freshman, GPA progression standards will be evaluated after the students attempt a minimum of 12 credits). A student whose cumulative GPA is below a 2.75 will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. To have the probationary status removed, a student must attain a 2.75 cumulative GPA in the subsequent semesters.
  7. A student will be Dismissed from the program if they:
  • Fail to attain a 2.75 cumulative GPA in the subsequent semester that they were put on probation (If a cumulative GPA is less than a 2.75 due to a course grade and that same course is not offered in the subsequent semester, probation is continued until the Fall or Spring term when the same course is offered).
  • If a student receives a grade of less than BC in a nursing, chemistry, biology  or health science course in addition to a less than 2.75 GPA .
  • Are placed on academic probation a second time during his or her tenure in the program.
  • Receives less than a BC  or U twice in the same nursing, chemistry, biology or health science  course or in two nursing, chemistry, biology or health science  courses.
  • Withdraws from more than one nursing course during their tenure.

Progression Standards for the Exercise Physiology Program (MEXP)

Pre-Exercise Physiology Program

To proceed to the professional phase of the Exercise Physiology Program in the senior year, a student must meet the admission criteria of the Pre-Exercise Physiology Graduate Program Admission policy. Carroll University Academic Standing policies apply to pre-exercise physiology students.

Professional Phase of the Exercise Physiology Program

  1. Students must maintain both a semester GPA > 3.21 and cumulative GPA > 3.0.   
  2. A student is placed on academic probation if one or more of the following occur:
    • Semester GPA <3.20
    • A grade of C is earned in any combination of two classes
    • A grade of a “U” is earned in any ONE clinical course. EXP 5520, EXP 5580, EXP 5590, EXP 6600, and EXP 6610 
  3. A student must repeat any course in which a grade of “U,” D, or “F” is earned. and is unable to take subsequent courses, for which this course is a prerequisite. A course may only be retaken once. 
  4. The student remains on academic probation until the student can repeat and successfully pass the course.  The student may not progress to subsequent courses in the program if the course is a prerequisite of another. 
  5. If a student is placed on probation due to GPA requirements, probationary status will be removed if the student attains a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in subsequent semesters
  6. A student may not graduate on probation and must graduate with a cumulative GPA > 3.0.
  7. A student is automatically dismissed if one or any combination of the following occur:
    • A student’s semester GPA <2.8
    • A student unsuccessfully passes a course retake
    • Earning a probationary grade of “C” or lower or “U” in any combination on three separate occasions

Progression Standards for the Health Sciences - Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program

The Bachelor of Science degree program in Health Sciences with an emphasis in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) is offered through unique partnerships with Advocate Aurora Health in Milwaukee and the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics (UWHC) in Madison. Students in the partnership program for Diagnostic Medical Sonography must adhere to the policies and requirements outlined by both Carroll University and their hospital program.  

Accepted students transitioning into the clinical phase of the program must adhere to all policies and maintain all progression standards outlined by their cooperating hospital partner. All progression standards and grading criteria are at the discretion of the partnering hospital. A copy of these standards and program policies will be provided to each student by the hospital partner at the time of matriculation into the professional phase. Admission and progression standards are subject to change based on regulatory, licensing and/or certification needs.

Admission into and continued enrollment in the programs’ independent School of Diagnostic Medical Sonography is conditioned upon each student’s appropriate residency or visa status, compliance with applicable laws and the programs’ policies, procedures, progression standards and guidelines.

Progression Standards for the Health Sciences - Radiologic Technology Program

The Bachelor of Science degree program in Health Sciences with an emphasis in Radiologic Technology is offered through unique partnerships with Ascension-St. Joseph, Advocate Aurora Health, and Froedtert Hospital. Students in the partnership program for Radiologic Technology must adhere to the policies and requirements outlined by both Carroll University and their hospital program. 

Accepted students transitioning into the clinical phase of the program must adhere to all policies and maintain all progression standards outlined by their cooperating hospital partner. All progression standards and grading criteria are at the discretion of the partnering hospital. A copy of these standards and program policies will be provided to each student by the hospital partner at the time of matriculation into the professional phase. Admission and progression standards are subject to change based on regulatory, licensing and/or certification needs.

Admission into and continued enrollment in the programs’ independent School of Radiologic Technology is conditioned upon each student’s appropriate residency or visa status, compliance with applicable laws and the programs’ policies, procedures, progression standards and guidelines.

Progression Standards for the Neurodiagnostic Technology Program

The Bachelor of Science degree program in Neurodiagnostic Technology is offered through a unique partnership with Advocate Aurora Health in Milwaukee. Students in the partnership program for Neurodiagnostic Technology must adhere to the policies and requirements outlined by both Carroll University and their hospital program. 

Accepted students transitioning into the clinical phase of the program must adhere to all policies and maintain all progression standards outlined by the cooperating hospital partner.  All progression standards and grading criteria are at the discretion of the partnering hospital.  A copy of these standards and program policies will be provided to each student by the hospital partner at the time of matriculation into the professional phase.  Admission and progression standards are subject to change based on regulatory, licensing and/or certification needs.

Admission into and continued enrollment in the Neurodiagnostic Technology program’s professional phase is conditioned upon each student’s appropriate residency or visa status, compliance with applicable laws and the programs’ policies, procedures, progression standards and guidelines.

Progression Standards for the Physical and Health Education Teacher Education Program

To earn Physical and Health Education teaching licensure, the student must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) through Carroll’s Department of Education. Students in the Physical and Health Education Teacher Education Major who are seeking this licensure should be checking in regularly with both their Physical and Health Education Teacher Education advisor and their Education advisor.

Biannual TEP Admission Deadlines:

TEP applications and portfolios may be submitted at two times during the academic year provided students meet the requirements on the “TEP Admission Checklist” below.

Spring Applications Due: Jan. 25 / Portfolio Due: Feb. 1

Fall Applications Due: Sept. 25 / Portfolio Due: Oct. 1

TEP Admission Checklist (as of 9/2017)

1.  Successful completion of 40 credits of college work with a minimum GPA at Carroll University of 2.75 (including at least 12 Carroll credits for transfer students).
2. English 170 (or equivalent) with a grade of C or better.
3.  Grades of C or better in all Education major or minor courses, including transfer Education courses.
4.  Completion of 150 hours of documented contact time with children (documentation will be submitted with Phase I Portfolio).
5.  Completion of background re-check process with Certified Background.  Recheck instructions are available on the Education Program Information Portal. Submit recheck before the TEP application deadline. *Candidates who enrolled in EDU 100 prior to Fall 2013 are exempt from this step
6.  Successful completion or concurrent enrollment in EDU 210 . Retention In the Teacher Ed. Program is contingent upon successful completion of EDU 210 .
7.  Approval of the Program Plan by the student’s Education advisor if student is getting degree from Carroll University. If students are here for certification only they need to provide a copy of their advisor-approved Program Worksheet and a copy of their advisor-approved projected Program Plan.
8.  Completion of the application form and submission to Education Department Office by deadline.
9.  Successful completion of Phase I Portfolio.

For further information on the TEP, including the most current requirements, please contact Carroll’s Department of Education.

Progression Standards for the Physical Therapy Program

PrePhysical Therapy Program

As of 2020 to proceed to the professional phase of the physical therapy program in the senior year, a student must have a cumulative and preprofessional (natural, behavioral, and social sciences) GPA of 3.2 or higher. Carroll University Academic Standing policies apply to prephysical therapy students.

Professional Phase of the Physical Therapy Program

All Physical Therapy degree program requirements must be completed by the student in 33 months unless permission is otherwise granted by the Director of the Physical Therapy Program. Satisfactory progress is contingent upon satisfying the following academic requirements:

  1. A grade of C or better or a grade of S is required in all physical therapy courses. If a student earns a letter grade of D, F, or U in a physical therapy course, the student must repeat the course before progressing to subsequent courses for which the failed course is a prerequisite. If a student receives a D or F in a full-time clinical experience, progression requirements will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the program. When repeating a physical therapy course, a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or clinical competencies/practicums that validate theoretical knowledge. If a student is unable to take further courses in the next occurring semester as a result of this policy, the student repeats the course during the next appropriate semester. The student will be placed on academic probation. A course may be repeated only one time. A student receiving a D, F, or U twice in a physical therapy course or in two physical therapy courses will be dismissed from the program.
  2. A student must obtain a grade point average of 3.00 or better each semester, and a grade of S in all S/U graded courses. If a student earns a semester grade point average between 2.00 to 2.99, or received a U in a course, the student is placed on academic probation. To meet the requirements of an academic probation term, the student must earn a grade point average of 3.00 or better in all subsequent semesters and complete a performance improvement plan. If a full-time clinical education experience course is scheduled during the next semester, the student must earn a satisfactory grade (A, B, or C) in the full-time clinical education experience course and a semester grade point average of 3.00 or better in the semester following the full-time clinical education to meet academic progression standards. If a student is on academic probation the last semester of the program, the student must earn a 3.0 GPA in their final semester to graduate. 
  3. A student will be dismissed from the program if
    • they fail to meet academic standards any time following a probation term, or
    • they earn a semester GPA of 1.99 or less. While on probation, students may be required to complete activities designed to facilitate success.
  4. Once a clinical course commences, students cannot withdraw from the clinical course.
  5. If at any time the student is deemed unsatisfactory in a clinical course, the student cannot attend.

Progression Standards for the Public Health Program

1.  A minimum grade of C or a satisfactory (S) is required in Public Health courses.
2.  A student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all Public Health major course requirements per the major listing in the catalog.
3.  Student compliance with Public Health Academic Progression Standards is reviewed at completion of each semester by the Health Sciences Progression Review Committee. Following committee review, students not meeting Standards are advised of their status through the Office of the Registrar.

Evaluation of Academic Standing and Progression in the Health Sciences

An interdisciplinary health science committee consisting of health sciences administrators, program directors, and the Registrar will conduct an evaluation of academic progression at the end of each semester. Health Sciences students may appeal a probation or dismissal decision by filing an Academic Affairs Petition with the Registrar’s Office. The decision of the university regarding the appeal is final. During the appeal process, a student may participate in courses.
The Academic Affairs Petition form is found on the Registrar’s Office web page or click here.

Progression Standards for the Music Therapy Program

  1. A cumulative GPA of 2.75 and satisfactory completion of the piano, guitar, and voice proficiency exams is required for admission to the professional phase (junior and senior years) of the program.
  2. A student must maintain a cumulative university GPA and a semester GPA of 2.75 throughout the professional phase. A student who gets below a 2.75 cumulative and/or session GPA will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. To have the probationary status removed, a student must attain a 2.75 session GPA or higher in subsequent semesters.
  3. If a student fails to attain a 2.75 session GPA, s/he will be dismissed from the program.
  4. Grades of C or better are required in all music therapy (MTY designation) courses. A satisfactory (S) is required in all completed practica. If a grade below a C is achieved or an S is not achieved, the student may not progress to subsequent courses in the program until the course is successfully repeated.
  5. A course may be repeated only one time. A student receiving a D, F, or U twice in music therapy courses (including practica) will be dismissed from the program.
  6. When repeating a professional phase music therapy course, a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or clinical competencies/practica that validate theoretical knowledge.
  7. The piano, guitar, and voice proficiency exams will only be administered once per semester. They may be repeated as often as necessary.

Academic Standing

Good Standing

All students are expected to maintain at least a C (2.00) overall grade point average in Carroll University course work. Any student who does not maintain at least a 2.00 cumulative average in Carroll course work is subject to academic action following a review by the Academic Steering Committee.


As soon as a student’s Carroll University grade point average drops below 2.00, that student is placed on academic probation. For a student on academic probation, the class load is limited to 12 credits. A student cannot be removed from probation until a 2.00 grade point average is attained.


A student on probation for one or more semesters or a student who received no passing grades the previous semester may be subject to suspension for one semester and the adjacent summer. The Academic Steering Committee has the purview to allow a student to continue on probation for one or more additional semesters before suspending them. At the end of the suspension period, a student must apply for readmission. Upon suspension, a student may no longer live in on-campus housing or participate in university-related activities.


A student suspended for a second time will be dismissed at the close of the semester because of failure to achieve an acceptable level of academic work. Students who are dismissed will be withdrawn from any registered courses at the University and may not be eligible to return to Carroll University.

Academic Appeals

The Academic Steering Committee (ASC) acts as the appeal body for questions related to academic policy, probationary questions, exemptions, etc. An academic petition form (available online or from the Registrar’s Office) must be completed and returned to the Registrar’s Office to initiate the appeal process. The petition form should carefully explain the nature of the request and include the appropriate signatures. All appeal decisions by the Academic Steering Committee are final.
Course grade appeals and appeals of sanctions for academic dishonesty are heard by the Student/Faculty Ethics Committee. Appeals should be made through the Office of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. The procedure for appeals is found in the Student Handbook.

Returning Students

Students returning to Carroll after the lapse of one or more semesters and students who have been suspended from the University and have become eligible to apply for readmission must do so through the Office of Admission. Each application is reviewed and applicants will be informed of the status of the application and, if applicable, the conditions of readmission.