Mar 14, 2025
OTH 680 - Fieldwork II - Clinical Internship II 10 Hour(s)
This is the second full-time 12-week clinical experience under the supervision of an occupational therapist. Students will achieve competence in basic entry-level occupational therapy skills including evaluation, goal setting, intervention planning and implementation, discharge planning, and termination of services. This may take place in a variety of clinical or community settings. During this terminal clinical affiliation, students are expected to complete a final capstone project synthesizing information from OTH 601 - Medical Humanities III and OTH 651 - Research II , which reflects the synthesis of knowledge, reflective practice, and skills developed during the program. This provides students the opportunity to illustrate their achievement and mastery of student learning outcomes.
SP Prerequisite(s): Good standing in the Master of Occupational Therapy Program
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