Feb 16, 2025  
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Pioneer Core

The Pioneer Core is Carroll’s general education curriculum. Pioneer Core expands student learning beyond the major area of study, providing not only depth and breadth, but also a series of cross-cultural learning opportunities. The knowledge and skills developed through Pioneer Core are essential for students to reach their full potential as educated citizens in diverse communities and in an ever-changing work force. Upon completion of Carroll’s Pioneer Core, students will achieve the following learning outcomes.

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of a culture different than your own.
  2. Critically evaluate global issues from multiple cultural perspectives.
  3. Understand and analyze multiple philosophical, ethical, and religious positions held by persons within their own and other cultures.
  4. Understand the methodologies germane to the fine arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences as well as their larger social context.
  5. Analyze and integrate material in a field outside the major area of study.
  6. Develop and defend a position that demonstrates logical reasoning both orally and in writing.
  7. Demonstrate information fluency by gathering, analyzing, and synthesizing information using emerging technologies and traditional media.

Students accomplish these learning outcomes through a Cross-Cultural Component and a Distribution Component.

Cross-Cultural Component

The Cross-Cultural Component is a four-course series through which students explore the study of culture:

  • Cultural Seminar
  • Cross-Cultural Development
  • Cross-Cultural Experience
  • Global Perspectives Colloquium

Distribution Component

The Distribution Component of the Pio Core consists of courses that are outside a student’s academic major area of study. The Distribution Component includes two main features: four introductory-level General Education 1 (GE1) courses that encourage disciplinary breadth and one higher-level General Education 2 (GE2) course that fosters depth outside the major. There are five Distribution Areas, and each academic major is housed in one of these areas: Fine Arts, Humanities, Philosophy/Ethics/Religion, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences.

Please note: When a student changes his/her current major to a major in a different distribution area, it will be the responsibility of the student to ensure that all the requirements of the new distribution area are met.

GE1 courses

Students must complete four GE1 courses: one from each of the four Distribution Areas outside of their major area of study. Students are not required to take a course from the Distribution Area in which their major is housed (e.g., a Chemistry major need not take a GE1 course from the Natural Sciences Distribution Area).

GE2 courses

A student must take one GE2 course. A GE2 course must be from the same discipline as one of the GE1 courses previously taken (e.g., a GE1 English course and a GE2 English course). A GE2 course builds upon knowledge from a previous GE1 course and provides depth in an area of interest outside a student’s major. Some GE2 courses have a prerequisite. Students should consult the catalog descriptions for courses that interest them to determine whether this might be the case.

Cross-Cultural Development

Some GE1 and GE2 Distribution courses are also designated a Cross-Cultural Development (CCD). Students must take at least one CCD course. Students may satisfy the CCD requirement and a Distribution Area requirement in a single course.
A listing of GE1 and GE2 courses by Distribution Area follows. See also those that have a CCD after the course description, they satisfy the Cross-Cultural Development requirement. More courses, especially GE2 courses, will be added to this list.


GE1 and GE2 Courses






Cross Cultural Experiences

Josie de Hartog Associate Dean of the college of Arts and Sciences - General Education
Megan Couch Director of Global Education
Megan Baker International CCE Advisor
Cyd Fode Domestic CCE Advisor
Taylor Uselmann Global Education Coordinator

Cross-Cultural Experience (CCE)

The Cross-Cultural Experience (CCE) is a signature component of Carroll’s Pioneer Core curriculum, which is characterized by an integrating theme of culture and a requirement for domestic or international cross-cultural immersion. This experience challenges students to apply classroom-based examinations of culture and to interact with cultures other than their own in an off-campus setting. Click here for the CCE website.

The Cross-Cultural Experience has three parts: preparation, immersion and reflection. Research has shown that all three parts are required to ensure that students get the most from the CCE. The immersion portion requires at least 60 hours of meaningful interaction with a culture other than the student’s own. Students may choose from a variety of choices to fulfill the CCE requirement. Options include local, domestic and international experiences:

  • International study abroad, for a summer, winter, semester, or academic year program
  • CCS 300  (2 credits) or NCE course (4 credits)
  • Discipline-specific courses approved for CCE credit

Study Abroad as a Cross-Cultural Experience: Students in good academic standing with at least 16 completed Carroll University credits at the time of participation may apply for approval to enroll in a study abroad program. Approved study abroad students remain enrolled at the university during the semester or academic-year study abroad period. Applications for study abroad programs are due at least one semester prior to the semester in which the student intends to study; however, students are advised to begin the process by contacting the Office of Global Education a full year ahead of their intended departure. A listing of the many and varied study abroad opportunities is available on the “Study Abroad” tab on the Carroll University CCE webpage.

CCS 300  Courses (2-credit): CCS 300  courses are typically short-term travel courses led by Carroll faculty. CCS 300  courses include both a classroom component and a travel component and generally take students off-campus during the summer, winter or over spring break. Prior to any travel, students must participate in classroom preparation. Students also will engage in post-experience reflection activities. CCS 300  courses are worth two academic credits and are taught by Carroll University instructors. In most cases, the instructor travels with the students and continues to teach the course while at the immersion site.

New Cultural Experience Courses (NCE) (4-credit): NCE courses are worth four academic credits and are taught by Carroll University instructors. NCE courses include both a classroom component and a travel component and generally take students off-campus during the summer or winter. Each course has a specific academic focus along with a particular emphasis on understanding new cultures. Travel is for a minimum of two weeks. Prior to travel, the students spend a semester in academic preparation.


Eligibility: Students interested in a CCS 300  or NCE course must submit a CCE application through the CCE website and have a minimum of 16 completed credit hours from Carroll University at the time of participation. Enrollment is determined by the Office of Global Education which reviews student records to ensure that the applicant is in good standing related to both academics and conduct. Students must have completed CCS 100  or CCS 199   and must have completed or be concurrently taking their CCD course.

Fees: The cost for CCS 300  or NCE courses varies according to the program. Additional information for CCE courses is available on the Carroll University CCE webpage or from the Office of Global Education in Kilgour Hall.

Course Offerings: Course offerings are typically announced each spring for the next academic year. Up to date information can be found on the CCE website.



Organization of Majors in Distribution Areas

Fine Arts Philosophy/Ethics/Religion Natural Sciences

Through practice and study, students will learn about the creative process that is central to disciplines found within the Visual and Performing Arts.
Graphic Design
Music Education
Music Theatre
Music Therapy
Theatre Arts

Students will examine literary and historical artifacts to understand diverse cultures and their development over time.
English and Writing

Students will analyze multiple philosophical, ethical, and religious positions relative to
individual and social life and acquire means to enter conversations about ethics, values
and meanings.
Religious Studies

Social Sciences
Students will learn theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of societal dynamics, and use that knowledge to analyze contemporary social issues.
Business Administration
Business Economics
Criminal Justice
Educational Studies
Elementary Education
Global Studies
Health Care Administration
Management and Leadership
Physical and Health Education
Political Science
Public Health
Sports Administration

Students will learn theoretical and practical methods of the natural sciences and will apply these methods to problems through laboratory or field experiences.
Actuarial Science
Animal Behavior
Applied Physics
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Computational Science
Computer Science
Environmental Science
Exercise Science
Health Science: Diagnostic-
Medical Sonography
Health Science: Radiological-
Information Technology
Neurodiagnostic Technology