Feb 13, 2025  
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Enrichment Programs


Carroll3 Program

The Carroll3 Program provides students an opportunity to complete an undergraduate degree in just three years. This selective program requires special approval for an accelerated course load of 20 credits per semester. Just eight credits are required to be completed outside of fall and spring semesters, which can be fulfilled through summer/winter courses or alternative methods of credit (i.e. AP, IB, dual enrollment credits). Incoming freshmen are invited to apply and will be notified of acceptance prior to course registration.

The following majors are approved to participate in the Carroll3 Program:


Massimo Rondolino Associate Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences 

Carroll University’s Honors Program provides an opportunity for students, faculty and staff to cultivate their academic, social, professional and personal development as part of a learning community at the intersection of all Carroll programs. As members of this exclusive program, students build an understanding and a disposition across the institution’s general education curriculum and co-curriculum as they cultivate an integrative approach to learning, drawing from their individual fields of study, and grow their leadership potential. Upon completion of the program, students will be able to connect relevant experiences and academic knowledge, adapt and apply literacies and skills to new situations. Ultimately, they will demonstrate a developing sense of self as lifelong learners, successful professionals and global citizens as they engage with critical and systemic real-world problems.

Mission Statement

The Honors Program at Carroll University encourages motivated and talented students to pursue a breadth and depth of knowledge within an enriched curriculum. The program creates an environment designed to challenge students’ perspectives and foster intellectual development.

Curriculum Overview

Carroll University’s Honors Program is designed to foster the development of critical and integrative approaches to problem solving, grounded in co-operative work and collaborative learning, towards the cultivation of leadership traits. To achieve this, it is crucial that each student works closely with their Honors peers, faculty and staff to establish and cultivate a thriving Living and Learning Community.

The first-year Honors curriculum is tightly structured, and every student is required to take specific courses, on specific days and at specific times.

Honors students who are also in their first year at Carroll must reside in the Honors Halls of Residence at Charles House for the duration of the first academic year. The requirement does not apply to first-year students who have received an institutional residency waiver.

The second-year students in the program have more flexibility, and are expected to take one to two honors courses with peers from the same graduation class.

Honors students beyond the first two years have greater freedom and are expected to assume significantly more responsibilities. They will take an active role in shaping the Honors Living and Learning Community, engage in community work and volunteering, and take on leadership positions in the Honors Student Council.

  • Students admitted to the Honors Program in the fall semester of their first year must complete 6 honor courses (or equivalent), totaling 22-24 credits, in order to graduate with Honors.
  • Students admitted to the program in the fall semester of their second year must complete 5 honor courses (or equivalent), totaling 18-20 credits, in order to graduate with Honors.
  • Students admitted to the program and who are also enrolled in a 3-year undergraduate program at Carroll must join Honors in their first year and will have to complete 4 honor courses (or equivalent), totaling 14-16 credits, in order to graduate with Honors.

In collaboration with the Honors Center and Academic Advising, students are encouraged to devise a four-year plan that best suits their academic needs and interests, compatibly with the Honors Program’s course requirements.

Requirements and Retention

In order to graduate with Honors from Carroll University, students need to:

  • Students who join in their first year - complete 6 honor courses (or equivalent)
  • Students who join in their second year - complete 5 honor courses (or equivalent)
  • Carroll3 and pre-PT 3-2 Students - complete 4 honor courses (or equivalent)

To retain Honors status, students need to successfully complete every Honors course they are enrolled in. The program does not require students to maintain a particular GPA. Nevertheless, there are regular student performance reviews, conducted by Honors staff and faculty, to ensure and foster academic integrity and excellence.

List of Honors Courses

For further details on required courses, independent research and course contract options, please email the Honors Center at cuhonorscenter@carrollu.edu or visit the Honors Program

Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Megan M. Baker Study Abroad/CCE Advisor
Megan Couch Director of Global Education

International education programs are an integral part of Carroll’s academic offerings. The Office of Global Education in Kilgour Hall, directs semester, summer, winter and academic-year study abroad/away programs. Unless noted otherwise, all study abroad/away programs listed in this catalog meet the Cross-Cultural Experiences (CCE) requirement of the Pioneer Core.

Study Abroad Programs

Students who are in good academic standing and have completed at least 16 Carroll University credits at the time of participation are eligible to apply to enroll in a study abroad program. Students should note that each study abroad program may have its own requirements for acceptance and are encouraged to review the individual program’s materials for additional expectations.

Approved study abroad students remain enrolled at the university during the semester or academic-year study abroad period. Applications for study abroad are due at least one semester prior to the semester in which the student intends to study; however, students are advised to apply for study abroad a full year ahead of their intended study. Details about the programs, eligibility, applications and costs are available on the Carroll University CCE Web site.

Study abroad opportunities include three types of programs: exchange, affiliated and unaffiliated.

  1. Exchange Programs
    Exchange programs are programs in which the school abroad sends us their students and we, in turn, send our students for a semester or academic year. Students participating in semester and year exchange programs receive their regular financial aid package, including institutional scholarships. They pay their Carroll University tuition. In most cases, room and board are paid directly to the host institution. Students are assessed a $360 per semester or $150 per winter or summer study abroad/away fee by Carroll University. Visit the Carroll University CCE website for a list of exchange programs.
  2. Affiliated Programs
    Affiliated programs are universities or study programs determined by Carroll to meet our academic standards. Students remain a Carroll University student while studying abroad on an affiliate program. Students participating in affiliated programs may be eligible for federal, state and outside funding as applicable. Institutional aid is not available for affiliated programs. Students pay program tuition to Carroll University which, in turn, remits the monies to the program provider. In most cases, room and board are paid directly to the host institution or program. Students are assessed a $360 per semester or $150 per winter or summer study abroad/away fee by Carroll University. Visit the Carroll University CCE Website for the most up-to-date list of partner programs.
  3. Unaffiliated Programs
    Unaffiliated programs are programs that students independently identify as a preferred study abroad option. Students sometimes want a study abroad experience that is not available through our Exchange or Affiliated Programs. Students need approval for an unaffiliated program in order to remain a Carroll University student while abroad. Students participating in unaffiliated programs may be eligible for federal, state and outside funding as applicable. Institutional aid is generally not available for unaffiliated programs. Students pay all tuition and fees directly to the host institution. Students are assessed a $360 per semester or $150 per winter or summer study abroad/away fee by Carroll University. Visit the Carroll University CCE Website for more information on unaffiliated study abroad programs.