Feb 17, 2025  
2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Resources

Academic Resources, located on the lower level of the Carroll library, provides free academic support services for Carroll students through Career Services and the Learning Commons.

Career Services

Career Services offers personalized resume and cover letter assistance, help exploring majors, career assessments, career exploration, career focused workshops, interviewing strategies, graduate school preparation, and help searching for a job/internship for all Carroll students and alumni.

Online services include:

Students and alumni have access to Handshake, a career platform with a robust job and internship database.

Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and instagram

Career Events:

WorkForce Fair: Jobs, Internships, & Graduate Schools Etiquette Dinner

Learning Commons

The Learning Commons (LC) is located on the lower level of the Carroll library. The LC Info Desk is open during fall and spring semesters. Study space is open when the library building is open.  Dry erase boards and walls are available in the large open study space; markers and laptops are available for checkout at the LC Info Desk for use in the library building. Students can reserve group study rooms for up to 4 hours.

All services are free, confidential and voluntary. Please contact lcommons@carrollu.edu with any questions regarding academic and career support.

Academic Strategy Workshops

The Learning Commons offers academic strategy workshops to Carroll students. Workshops are typically focused on time management, study skills, test-taking strategies. Workshops are available for individuals or for student groups. 

Career Services

Career advisors and career peer advisors are available in the Learning Commons. Email Lydia Guell at lguell@carrollu.edu for more information.

Drop-in Tutoring

Peer tutors are available for many courses. Carroll students can connect with a peer tutor in the Learning Commons during weekly drop-in hours. One-on-one tutoring is not guaranteed as all are welcome to visit during drop-in hours.

English Conversation Partner Program

This program pairs Carroll students seeking to enhance their English speaking and listening abilities with peer tutors who are native English speakers. Partners meet in the Learning Commons for about one hour each week to converse in English about topics of interest to the students. 

Math Assistance

Peer math assistants hold weekly hours in the Learning Commons and help Carroll students as they prepare for quizzes and tests, complete assignments, and learn new concepts in their classes.

Reading Writing Skills Lab

Professor Dolores Greenawalt is available to help students improve content reading strategies and writing skills during fall and spring semesters.   All students are welcome, especially students taking ENG 140, ENG 170, CCS100 and CCS199. Email Professor Greenawalt at dgreenaw@carrollu.edu for more information. 

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a peer education program that targets historically difficult courses. By employing a variety of collaborative learning strategies and group work, SI offers multiple options for learning challenging material. SI sessions are held in the Learning Commons or in designated classrooms around campus.

Writing Assistance

Peer writing assistants hold regular hours in the Learning Commons and support Carroll students during any stage of the writing process. Students are welcome to visit with a writing assistant to focus on brainstorming, developing, and organizing ideas, and revising final drafts.

Notice of Non-Discrimination Policy

Carroll University does not discriminate in any manner contrary to law or justice on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or veteran’s status in administration of its educational, admission, financial aid, athletic or other university policies and programs nor in the employment of its faculty and staff.

Todd Wehr Memorial Library

Judith Carter Electronic Resources and Systems Librarian
Meghan Dowell Teaching & Learning Libraian
Joe Hardenbrook Director of Library Services
Susan Riehl Archivist, Public & Technical Services Librarian
Barbara Ruggeri Life & Health Sciences Librarian


The mission of the Library is to serve students by providing access to information, by maintaining an environment that promotes a culture of academic excellence, and by offering instruction that fosters scholarship, integrity, independent intellectual growth, and the sophisticated information skills necessary for lifelong learning.

Carroll’s Library

The Todd Wehr Memorial Library offers a bundle of integrated services aimed at student academic success. These services range from our collection of books and e-books tailored to the Carroll curriculum and online databases that allow Carroll’s students to access thousands of journals from anywhere with an Internet connection, to the Information Commons where students can collaborate and get personalized research assistance from librarians for every course at Carroll. The electronic collection of over 100 databases, 70,000+ electronic journals, and 163,000 electronic books are available 24/7 to Carroll students.  The library is open over 100 hours per week during the semester.  Our online chat box provides expert online research assistance from our library staff during those hours so students can receive support online or in person.

The Library’s instruction program teaches subject-specific research methods, including how to evaluate web sites and other information resources. Library instruction begins in the Cultural Seminar (CCS) program and continues as students work on assignments that require them to deal with a world of rapidly proliferating information and delivery systems. Librarians also assist students with course assignments and provide research assistance in the Information Commons or by appointments with their liaison. The Library’s liaison program pairs librarians with faculty in specific subject areas for the purposes of acquiring the best resources for Carroll students, keeping the collections current, and teaching research skills specific to that subject. Liaison librarians also provide students with specialized assistance for in-depth research projects.

The Library provides a comfortable environment with collaborative technology and study spaces to accommodate a variety of study styles: quiet spaces, individual carrels, large tables, group rooms, hard chairs, soft chairs and a coffee shop.

Curriculum Materials Center (CMC)

The CMC is located on the library’s main level - just beyond the Information Commons. The purpose of the CMC is to support the curriculum material needs of students preparing for careers in K-12 education. For questions on CMC materials or policies, please ask at the Information Commons desk or view our CMC guide.

University Archives

The University Archives contains official records and publications of the institution, private papers, student and faculty publications, academic and curricula works, photographs, books, audio and video recordings and Carroll memorabilia that record and illustrate the history and life of the university. These materials provide historical information about the Trustees, the faculty, staff and student body over time. Items that are highly accessed, such as the student yearbooks and the Theatre Collection, campus artwork, and graduate theses have been digitized and are available online through the digital collections link on the Web site. New items are continually added to the digital collections site.

Special Collections

The Library’s holdings include some unique, rare, out of print, and historic books which are all grouped as part of Special Collections. The materials in Special Collections include; Welsh Collection, Barclay Collection, Mother Goose Collection, Rufus and Charles King Collection, and Rare Books Collection. The subjects cover religious works, historical works on Scotland and Wales, classic literature, theatre, children’s literature, and artistic works that date back as far as 1604. All materials are accessible to the Carroll Community and may be used in the Library. For assistance please contact archivist, Susan Riehl.

Please click here to see the Library’s home page on the university’s web site for more information regarding the Library’s services and policies.

Public Safety

Our mission is to assist the Carroll community in creating a safe and secure environment for learning, living, and working. The Department of Public Safety maintains staffing 24 hours a day including personnel in the dispatch office, Public Safety Officers, and off duty Waukesha County Sheriff Deputies. Public Safety both produces and co-sponsors various events during the year to help enhance the knowledge of the community related to personal safety both on campus and off.

Carroll University provides an annual security report that includes statistics for the previous three calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Carroll University; and on public property within or immediately adjacent to, and accessible from, the campus. The report includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and other drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. The report also includes fire safety policies and statistics, emergency notification procedures, and protocols for missing persons.

Click here for a copy of the annual security report.

You can obtain a paper copy of this report by contacting the Public Safety Center located at 208 Wright Street, which is a half block east of Campus Center or by calling 262.524.7300.


Carroll University is committed to promoting health and security to help protect students’ academic success. With this in mind, the University sponsors a number of insurance programs, including student health insurance, renters insurance, and property and auto insurance for University owned or leased vehicles and property. Current information about University sponsored insurance can be found in the Student Handbook.

Many HMOs do not provide coverage outside of a particular area, so students and their parents should review their coverage carefully before waiving the University’s plan.

Student-Athletes: The University carries an insurance policy that provides secondary coverage for the student athlete who may be injured during practice for, or while participating in, an intercollegiate athletic event. The student athlete is responsible for any deductible.

Vehicles: The University carries insurance on all of its vehicles. Any student receiving permission to drive a university vehicle must be approved by the University’s insurance company before he or she drives any of its vehicles.

Property: Carroll University’s property insurance policy covers damage to, or theft of, University owned property only. The University’s policy does not cover personal property belonging to students.

Liability: Certain students are required to carry professional liability insurance when enrolled in clinical courses. These students include, but are not limited to, students enrolled in physical therapy, nursing and other health science programs.